Thursday, April 30, 2009

Developing English language media in Bangladesh

The BBC World Service Trust is part of a project called English in Action, working to improve the English language skills of 25 million people in Bangladesh.

Students and teachers will benefit from the introduction of new teaching methods, materials and technology.

The BBC World Service Trust, working with BBC Learning English, will provide access to learning materials through TV, mobiles and the internet. We will also support Bangladeshi media to produce programmes that give people the opportunity to hear English in context.

Our research shows that over 70% of Bangladeshis want to learn English, with over 80% believing it will help them earn more money. A staggering 96% want their children to learn English.

This edition of The World Debate is one of the many programmes we will be producing over the next eight years. It gave Bangladesh an international platform to take part in a discussion of global significance. Through working closely with local crews it also helped to meet the demand from the Bangladesh audience for locally relevant programming in English.

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