Thursday, March 21, 2024

Ham Radio connect with the satellite


Each year, during the ham radio class, we escort the students into the field to provide them with firsthand experience of radio operations. This year, as customary, we brought them to the VU2OW Ham Station. Mr. Rajesh (VU2OW) warmly greeted us, emphasizing the importance of approaching with love whenever we reach out. Despite my last-minute request, he graciously welcomed us with the same affection.

Distinguished from other ham stations, VU2OW boasts the unique capability to both receive and transmit all satellite broadcasts, including DMR, using a valve radio box at a single location. The hospitality extended by Mr. Rajesh's family during our visits never fails to amplify the students' enthusiasm.

Mr. Rajesh, an avid homebrew enthusiast, mentioned his ongoing experiments during this visit. Of particular note was a finely crafted key port by his son, designed to endure substantial pressure. The array of antennas adorning the attic of his residence is remarkable, with more than ten antennas often observed in one location. Undoubtedly, today's visit has left an indelible impression on the students, providing them with a memorable experience.