Wednesday, December 14, 2005

WRTH 1947 to 1958 REPRINT

Twelve editions with fully text search function on a CD! This is a joint venture between the WRTH Co. and ADDX on the occasion of the 60th edition of the WRTH! The rare old copies of the first editions of the WRTH occasionally can be found at eBay auction. Thus the 1949 edition was sold this summer for 750 U.S. Dollars! The first twelve editions have now been scanned and are sold on a CD which I have had a look at. It is very easy to work with and highly recommendable to all people interested in broadcast radio history.

More at

Until Jan 31, 2006, it is sold for 40 Euro including postage. After that date the CD will cost 50 Euro. Send your order and payment directly to ADDX, Scharsbergweg 14,
D-41189 Moenchengladbach, Germany. Bank transfer to ADDX-Konto Nr. 8686800 at Deutschen Bank, Duesseldorf, BLZ 30070024 (IBAN: DE 7030 0700 1000 0868 6800, BIC: DEUT DE DB DUE). (Schmitz and Petersen) ( Anker Peterson via DX-Window No. 287)