DRM / DAB Capable Receiver Himalaya 2009 is Officially Launched
Long time DRM supporter Himalaya (Power) Electronics is proud to present theDRM 2009 to the European market. Based on the experience of manufacturingthe first two DRM receivers, namely the Mayah DRM2010 and the CodingTechnologies Digital World Traveller, Himalaya (Power) Electronics ispleased to deliver a new generation of high quality DRM receivers which ismore affordable than ever.The Himalaya DRM2009 is a standalone radio which supports DAB/DRM/AM/FMservices. It is a real portable receiver that could be run either by AC orbatteries. With the SDcard slot, it can also be used as a MP3 player. Inaddition to MP3 playback features, the SDcard can be used for scheduledrecordings of DAB/DRM programmes. Furthermore, features of Play/Pause forDAB and DRM services are supported through the internal memory. EPG(Electronic Programme Guide) is also supported for DAB service. Thespecialized user interface allows for easy navigation of these advancedradio features.DRM2009 uses an advanced Radioscape multiband module, allowing reception ofa wide range of digital and analog services. DRM2009 is a truly portable andflexible system.Further information about the receiver can be found under
http://www.himalaya.com.hk/You can order the receiver in Germany and in Austria from the T-Online Shopon
http://www.t-online-shop.de/ and from the Charly Hardt´s web site
http://www.charly-hardt.de/ .
About Himalaya (Power) ElectronicsHimalaya (Power) Electronics was founded in 1974. For three decades,Himalaya has established a good reputation of producing high qualityconsumer electronics products. Having developed and produced a large varietyof audio electronics products, Himalaya is one of the most experiencedmanufacturers based in Hong Kong. Our specialization has been successfullyshifted to digital products such as digital flash-based audio recorders,radio-controlled atomic clocks, multi-band & RDS portable radios, carstereos, weather alert clock radios and direct key-in world band PLL radios.For the last few years, we have become a key supporter for the new digitalradio standard of Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM). In 2004, we have helped tobring the two most advanced DRM receivers, DRM 2010 and Digital WorldTraveller (USB radio), to the market. Our most recent DRM receivers are theDRM2008 and DRM2009.
About Mayah® CommunicationsMAYAH® Communications' main objective is the development and distribution ofinnovative hiqh quality solutions for audio and audio/video communicationsin broadcast and corporate networks. Focus is given to standardized audioand video formats, such as MPEG-1, -2 and 4 as well as proprietary butaccepted formats such as E/apt-X, ADPCM4SB and others. The company islocated in a nice modern office park just a few minutes away from MunichAirport. Touching base with radio and TV customers in the media metropoleMunich, MAYAH has an optimum location for international business.About Coding TechnologiesCoding Technologies provides the best audio compression for mobile,broadcasting, and Internet. SBR (Spectral Band Replication) from CodingTechnologies is a backward and forward compatible method to enhance theefficiency of any audio codec; putting the "PRO" in mp3PRO and the "Plus" inaacPlus. Parametric Stereo from Coding Technologies and Philips againsignificantly increases the efficiency of audio codecs for stereo signals atlow bit rates. Products from Coding Technologies are fundamental enablers ofopen standards such as 3GPP, 3GPP2, MPEG, DVB, Digital Radio Mondiale, HDRadio, and the DVD Forum.About DRMDRM (TM) is the only universal, openly standardised, digital radio system forshort-wave, medium-wave and long-wave - digital radio for frequencies below30MHz. It has been endorsed by the ITU, and is standardised as ETSI ES 201980. While DRM currently covers the broadcasting bands below 30 MHz, the DRMconsortium is extending the system to the broadcasting bands up to 120 MHz.DRM has near-FM sound quality plus the ease-of-use that comes from digitaltransmissions, combined with long range and low power consumption. Acontinuously growing number of commercial, public, international, nationaland local broadcasters are already broadcasting DRM transmissions intoEurope and North America, Mexico, Russia, China, India and other regions.Multi-standard, DRM-capable consumer radios were introduced, and areavailable in different on-line shops (e.g. www.igear.com ). Furtherinformation on DRMTM can be found under:
DRM Members
Commercial Radio Australia (Australia); TDP, TDP Radio, RTBF (Belgium);Nautel Ltd., Radio Canada International/ CBC (Canada); Academy ofBroadcasting Science of China, Communications University of China, SoutheastUniversity Nanjing (China); RIZ Transmitters (Croatia); HFCC (CzechRepublic); Aalborg University (Denmark); ESPOL, HCJB Global (Ecuador);Digita Oy, Kymenlaakso Polytechnik (Finland); CCETT, DIGIDIA, DRF Committee,Radio France, TDF, Thomson Broadcast & Multimedia (France); ADDX, APR, AtmelGermany GmbH, Coding Technologies GmbH, Deutsche Welle, DeutschlandRadio,DLM, Sender Europa 1, Fraunhofer IIS, Georg-Simon- Ohm - University ofApplied Sciences Nuremberg, Harman/Becker Automotive Systems GmbH, IRT, LMKRheinland-Pfalz, Medienanstalt Sachsen-Anhalt, Micronas GmbH, Nero AG,Panasonic Automotive Systems Europe; Robert Bosch GmbH, Sony DeutschlandGmbH, SWR Südwestrundfunk, TRANSRADIO SenderSysteme Berlin AG, T-SystemsIntl. GmbH, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, University ofApplied Sciences Merseburg, University of Kassel, University of Hanover,University of Ulm, VPRT (Germany); Antenna Hungaria, National CommunicationsAuthority Hungary (Hungary); Basamad College, Tehran (Iran); RAI Way, STMicroelectronics (Italy); Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc., NEC Corporation,NHK (Japan); Telecommunications Technology Association (Korea); LibyanJamahiriya Broadcasting (Libya); Broadcasting Center Europe (Luxembourg) ;Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union (Malaysia); La Red de Radiodifusoras yTelevisoras Educativas y Culturales de México (Mexico); Agentschap Telecom,CATENA Radio Design, NXP Semiconductors, OLON, Radio Netherlands, TechnicalUniversity Delft (Netherlands) ; Radio New Zealand International (NewZealand); Voice of Nigeria (Nigeria); Telenor/Norkring (Norway);Radiodifusao Portuguesa (Portugal); RTRN/Voice of Russia (Russia);Government of Catalonia, Cadena SER - Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión,Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain); SR International/ Radio Sweden (Sweden);EBU, International Committee of the Red Cross, ITU, VSP - Verband SchweizerPrivatradios (Switzerland) ; Arab States Broadcasting Union (Tunisia); BBC,Christian Vision, Digital One Ltd., RadioScape Plc., VT Communications, WRN(U.K.); Analog Devices, Broadcast Electronics, Inc., Dolby Laboratories,Inc., Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corp., Continental Electronics Corp.,Harris Corp., Broadcast Communications Division - IBB/VOA, NationalAssociation of Short-wave Broadcasters, TCI International, Inc., TexasInstruments, Inc., Via Licensing Corp. (U.S.A.); and Vatican Radio (VaticanCity).
(source : drm.org Via Alokesh GuptaNew Delhi, India).