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Sunday, April 24, 2011
ரேடியோ மரியாவில் தமிழ்

ரேடியோ மரியா
Sunday, April 17, 2011
லண்டனில் புதிதாக ‘ஐ.எல்.சி. தமிழ்’ வானொலி

ஐ.எல்.சி. தமிழ்,
சர்வதேச அரங்கில் வானொலி
Monday, April 11, 2011
Radio Websites April 2011- first published in Radio User
by Chrissy Brand
Radio Websites April 2011- first published in Radio User www.radiouser.co.uk
Chrissy Brand looks at websites with a radio connection, this month looking at some off-beat CDs, interval signals on video, the varied uses of blogs about radio, and a selection of internet stations from across the globe.
Sound and vision
If you want to hear some music with a difference I recommend a CD called Music for DXing, by a band called Spunkle. Its 16 tracks have enticing titles such as Sunspots, Hi-Lo and Wax Paper Capacitor. It cleverly mixes “the sounds of shortwave with primeval electronica in a drumless, bassless, trebleless midrange landscape of anticipation.” Originally released for friends and fans in 2003 it is now available on the First Fold Records label www.firstfoldrecords.com/?page_id=1321 There is plenty of background reading about the CD, including “Nine questions about DXing”, which is actually a fascinating backdrop to how such an esoteric CD came about. See also Spunkle’s MySpace page for samples of music and links to other likeminded souls at www.myspace.com/spunklemusic
First Fold, as you might expect, is an independent company specialising in electronic and experimental music www.firstfoldrecords.com Along with a Facebook page and Twitter account they have a YouTube channel to showcase some of their many talented performers, at http://www.youtube.com/firstfoldmusic
Another artiste on their books is Papa November, named after an infamous numbers stations. A MySpace page exists for this Birmingham based band at www.myspace.com/papanovembermusic but for the numbers station of the same name I suggest you start at Simon Mason’s website, which has audio as well as a potted history http://www.simonmason.karoo.net/page9.html
Amongst the radios and DX catches you can see and hear at the You Tube channel of one K9RZZ is a three part interval signals quiz http://www.youtube.com/user/k9rzz and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqwSaET1NHE How many can you guess correctly? I was distracted by the third in the series when two cats wandered into shot to sit by the warm lamp next to the radio. In similar vein Harrald’s channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/harre67 includes an eight minute sequence of classic interval signals, with the answers given just under the video frame if you need them. Look for the clip labelled “Various interval signals broadcasted (sic) on shortwave” but you have to view them in the main YouTube section rather than directly from Harrald’s channel to see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFRYKDF2kxs&NR=1 Some beautiful sounds.
Blogs and logs
Blogs can of course be used for whatever the author chooses, be it opinions on world events or baking recipes. In the world of radio sometimes the most simple blogs can be the most effective. For instance, the Sami DX blog simply list the latest DX logs of a Finn. He also adds the occasional QSL card and the briefest of information about himself. Based in the city of Joensuu, Finland, the equipment used is a Sony ICF-SW-7600GR, Eton Satellit 750, Akai AT-VO4, Tecsun PL-310, Eton G3 and a Tangent Quattro. http://saminblogger.blogspot.com/
It is a good example of how easy it is for anyone to blog and to share their radio findings with the world.
At the other end of the blogosphere we have a busy looking site that has a myriad of information boxes. They are well laid out with lots of photos and links to world radio. The latest news merges with archive views on radio from countries from Mexico to Bulgaria, along with maps, videos and news clips. http://yimber-gaviria.blogspot.com/
It is in Spanish when you arrive at the link but a quick click on the union flag should take you to an English language version, for most items anyway.
A more conventional, and therefore wordy, blog is that of M6RDP in Torquay. I particularly like the photo which demonstrates his QSL cards. They are cleverly displayed in a large plastic wallet which hangs on the back of a door. The cards are therefore protected and can also be changed for others when you tire of them. http://qrpstationm6rdp.blogspot.com/2010 This will give you a flavour of this interesting blog , which includes photos of restoration projects along with other everyday thoughts: “It never fails to amaze me that my 5W or 10W signal can travel up into space at the speed of light and bounce back to earth hundreds or even thousands of miles away.... I have been a SWLer for almost 30 years, and with a short break to explore the world of amateur radio (which is now my second-favourite branch of this terrific radio hobby of ours) I am just as interested, if not more so, in SWLing as I was when I was 15. My first SW radio was a, what looked like, half-finished homebrew receiver lent to me by the next door neighbour on my parents’ farm who was a licensed radio amateur very keen on CW. It had no lid or sides and I remember all the coils inside and being so inspired by the way signals could travel so very far. Listening that Christmas to Swiss Radio International was one of the most exciting and inspiring experiences of my life. It set me out on a path I have never, for one moment, regretted and have always, without fail totally enjoyed. The hobby is a real joy and blessing and I can't imagine life without it.”
Another blog which I like to simply sit and stare at contains beautiful classic French receivers http://collectionneurdetsfetradio.blogspot.com/ This is the blog of Jean-Pierre Mallard in Marne. There are some amazing examples of classic 1950s design here, with my favourite being a 1954 Sonolor. Although to be honest each time I have a look at the dozen or so radios I have a new favourite. What I find even more remarkable is that these have all been unearthed at flea markets and brought back to their original condition.
Radio requests
Bradley Allan asks if there any websites that document Radio New York Worldwide (call sign WNYW) which was a commercial shortwave station from the 1960s and 1970s. There are several and I’ll start with a timeline of the station along with other similar ones from that era at the Northern Star website in Norway, specifically http://www.northernstar.no/wnyw3.htm
Northern Star were an organisation who hoped to broadcast internationally on long wave about a decade back but their plans did not come to fruition. Spearheaded by Father Svenn Martinsen they still have plans for a similar venture.
But back to WNYW, there is a “where are they now?” blog with links to audio at http://wnywradio.wordpress.com/ The link also goes to a Lou Joseph podcast from the station, and to the website of broadcaster Les Marshak http://www.lesmarshak.com/audio_radio.html
There is also a vintage Media Network page dedicated to WNYW as well, which includes a link to the Radio Netherlands tribute programme http://criticaldistance.blogspot.com/2010/04/media-network-tribute-to-radio-new-york.html
Bradley also asks if there is a specific website for Radio 390 International, which was a former offshore pirate, or free radio, station. The short answer is that there are plenty! The Offshore Radio website has a page of photos and memories at
http://pages.123-reg.co.uk/themuffinman9837-1143188/offshoreradiomemories/id4.html This is part of an in-depth website covering many other similar stations, in contrast to the Wikipedia simple overview of offshore pirate radio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_radio_in_Europe
Bob Le Roi’s website “The audio-visual scrapbook of radio then and now” gives plenty of coverage too of the offshore stations including Radio 390, at http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ Finally, although there are many more links toRadio 390 online, Herman Boel’s ever useful medium wave a website has a history section including a link to a brief audio identification at http://www.hermanboel.eu/radiohistory/countries-intwaters.htm
Radio Slovakia International has revamped its website and it looks very slick and modern, be it in Slovak, English or any of the other language services. To hear live broadcasts online go to the “program” calendar to find the language and times of broadcast, and then decide when to listen live http://www.slovakradio.sk/radio-international-en
Now for a quick look at a radio portal with a twist, or in this case with a shake
http://www.radioshaker.com/ There are links here to a huge variety of local radio from around the world. But what makes it a bit different from many web portals is the novelty aspect of clicking on the “shaker” icon. Each time you do so, it randomly selects a new grid of 45 station logos for you to explore. It is a good way of ensuring you always investigate new radio stations.
In doing so WILK 103.1 News Radio from Pennsylvania was an entertaining lunchtime listen (lunchtime in the UK, breakfast time in the US east). MDR Sputnik was a electronica and dance station in Germany, which I would never have tried had it not popped up at the shaker, and which provided an interesting audio excursion. Radiocale in Milan proved to be an ‘80s retro station which played some familiar and some less familiar tunes, which was a nice listen. Radio Tora is religion from Israel, Alfa Fado was a world music station in Paris http://radioalfa986.net/ , WUAK was the University of Alabama radio station and Radio Tamaulipas 107.9 in Mexico which is a public and community station.
An interesting US college station is WFMU http://wfmu.org/ that broadcast in New York and the Hudson Valley. They are an “an independent freeform station” and create an entertaining blend of music and talk with programmes and features that include the history of skate rock, Seven second delay and Coffee break for heroes and villains. They also run a very readable blog entitled WFMU Beware of the Blog along with archive audio and podcasts at http://blog.wfmu.org/
Radio Websites April 2011- first published in Radio User www.radiouser.co.uk
Chrissy Brand looks at websites with a radio connection, this month looking at some off-beat CDs, interval signals on video, the varied uses of blogs about radio, and a selection of internet stations from across the globe.
Sound and vision
If you want to hear some music with a difference I recommend a CD called Music for DXing, by a band called Spunkle. Its 16 tracks have enticing titles such as Sunspots, Hi-Lo and Wax Paper Capacitor. It cleverly mixes “the sounds of shortwave with primeval electronica in a drumless, bassless, trebleless midrange landscape of anticipation.” Originally released for friends and fans in 2003 it is now available on the First Fold Records label www.firstfoldrecords.com/?page_id=1321 There is plenty of background reading about the CD, including “Nine questions about DXing”, which is actually a fascinating backdrop to how such an esoteric CD came about. See also Spunkle’s MySpace page for samples of music and links to other likeminded souls at www.myspace.com/spunklemusic
First Fold, as you might expect, is an independent company specialising in electronic and experimental music www.firstfoldrecords.com Along with a Facebook page and Twitter account they have a YouTube channel to showcase some of their many talented performers, at http://www.youtube.com/firstfoldmusic
Another artiste on their books is Papa November, named after an infamous numbers stations. A MySpace page exists for this Birmingham based band at www.myspace.com/papanovembermusic but for the numbers station of the same name I suggest you start at Simon Mason’s website, which has audio as well as a potted history http://www.simonmason.karoo.net/page9.html
Amongst the radios and DX catches you can see and hear at the You Tube channel of one K9RZZ is a three part interval signals quiz http://www.youtube.com/user/k9rzz and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqwSaET1NHE How many can you guess correctly? I was distracted by the third in the series when two cats wandered into shot to sit by the warm lamp next to the radio. In similar vein Harrald’s channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/harre67 includes an eight minute sequence of classic interval signals, with the answers given just under the video frame if you need them. Look for the clip labelled “Various interval signals broadcasted (sic) on shortwave” but you have to view them in the main YouTube section rather than directly from Harrald’s channel to see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFRYKDF2kxs&NR=1 Some beautiful sounds.
Blogs and logs
Blogs can of course be used for whatever the author chooses, be it opinions on world events or baking recipes. In the world of radio sometimes the most simple blogs can be the most effective. For instance, the Sami DX blog simply list the latest DX logs of a Finn. He also adds the occasional QSL card and the briefest of information about himself. Based in the city of Joensuu, Finland, the equipment used is a Sony ICF-SW-7600GR, Eton Satellit 750, Akai AT-VO4, Tecsun PL-310, Eton G3 and a Tangent Quattro. http://saminblogger.blogspot.com/
It is a good example of how easy it is for anyone to blog and to share their radio findings with the world.
At the other end of the blogosphere we have a busy looking site that has a myriad of information boxes. They are well laid out with lots of photos and links to world radio. The latest news merges with archive views on radio from countries from Mexico to Bulgaria, along with maps, videos and news clips. http://yimber-gaviria.blogspot.com/
It is in Spanish when you arrive at the link but a quick click on the union flag should take you to an English language version, for most items anyway.
A more conventional, and therefore wordy, blog is that of M6RDP in Torquay. I particularly like the photo which demonstrates his QSL cards. They are cleverly displayed in a large plastic wallet which hangs on the back of a door. The cards are therefore protected and can also be changed for others when you tire of them. http://qrpstationm6rdp.blogspot.com/2010 This will give you a flavour of this interesting blog , which includes photos of restoration projects along with other everyday thoughts: “It never fails to amaze me that my 5W or 10W signal can travel up into space at the speed of light and bounce back to earth hundreds or even thousands of miles away.... I have been a SWLer for almost 30 years, and with a short break to explore the world of amateur radio (which is now my second-favourite branch of this terrific radio hobby of ours) I am just as interested, if not more so, in SWLing as I was when I was 15. My first SW radio was a, what looked like, half-finished homebrew receiver lent to me by the next door neighbour on my parents’ farm who was a licensed radio amateur very keen on CW. It had no lid or sides and I remember all the coils inside and being so inspired by the way signals could travel so very far. Listening that Christmas to Swiss Radio International was one of the most exciting and inspiring experiences of my life. It set me out on a path I have never, for one moment, regretted and have always, without fail totally enjoyed. The hobby is a real joy and blessing and I can't imagine life without it.”
Another blog which I like to simply sit and stare at contains beautiful classic French receivers http://collectionneurdetsfetradio.blogspot.com/ This is the blog of Jean-Pierre Mallard in Marne. There are some amazing examples of classic 1950s design here, with my favourite being a 1954 Sonolor. Although to be honest each time I have a look at the dozen or so radios I have a new favourite. What I find even more remarkable is that these have all been unearthed at flea markets and brought back to their original condition.
Radio requests
Bradley Allan asks if there any websites that document Radio New York Worldwide (call sign WNYW) which was a commercial shortwave station from the 1960s and 1970s. There are several and I’ll start with a timeline of the station along with other similar ones from that era at the Northern Star website in Norway, specifically http://www.northernstar.no/wnyw3.htm
Northern Star were an organisation who hoped to broadcast internationally on long wave about a decade back but their plans did not come to fruition. Spearheaded by Father Svenn Martinsen they still have plans for a similar venture.
But back to WNYW, there is a “where are they now?” blog with links to audio at http://wnywradio.wordpress.com/ The link also goes to a Lou Joseph podcast from the station, and to the website of broadcaster Les Marshak http://www.lesmarshak.com/audio_radio.html
There is also a vintage Media Network page dedicated to WNYW as well, which includes a link to the Radio Netherlands tribute programme http://criticaldistance.blogspot.com/2010/04/media-network-tribute-to-radio-new-york.html
Bradley also asks if there is a specific website for Radio 390 International, which was a former offshore pirate, or free radio, station. The short answer is that there are plenty! The Offshore Radio website has a page of photos and memories at
http://pages.123-reg.co.uk/themuffinman9837-1143188/offshoreradiomemories/id4.html This is part of an in-depth website covering many other similar stations, in contrast to the Wikipedia simple overview of offshore pirate radio http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_radio_in_Europe
Bob Le Roi’s website “The audio-visual scrapbook of radio then and now” gives plenty of coverage too of the offshore stations including Radio 390, at http://www.bobleroi.co.uk/ Finally, although there are many more links toRadio 390 online, Herman Boel’s ever useful medium wave a website has a history section including a link to a brief audio identification at http://www.hermanboel.eu/radiohistory/countries-intwaters.htm
Radio Slovakia International has revamped its website and it looks very slick and modern, be it in Slovak, English or any of the other language services. To hear live broadcasts online go to the “program” calendar to find the language and times of broadcast, and then decide when to listen live http://www.slovakradio.sk/radio-international-en
Now for a quick look at a radio portal with a twist, or in this case with a shake
http://www.radioshaker.com/ There are links here to a huge variety of local radio from around the world. But what makes it a bit different from many web portals is the novelty aspect of clicking on the “shaker” icon. Each time you do so, it randomly selects a new grid of 45 station logos for you to explore. It is a good way of ensuring you always investigate new radio stations.
In doing so WILK 103.1 News Radio from Pennsylvania was an entertaining lunchtime listen (lunchtime in the UK, breakfast time in the US east). MDR Sputnik was a electronica and dance station in Germany, which I would never have tried had it not popped up at the shaker, and which provided an interesting audio excursion. Radiocale in Milan proved to be an ‘80s retro station which played some familiar and some less familiar tunes, which was a nice listen. Radio Tora is religion from Israel, Alfa Fado was a world music station in Paris http://radioalfa986.net/ , WUAK was the University of Alabama radio station and Radio Tamaulipas 107.9 in Mexico which is a public and community station.
An interesting US college station is WFMU http://wfmu.org/ that broadcast in New York and the Hudson Valley. They are an “an independent freeform station” and create an entertaining blend of music and talk with programmes and features that include the history of skate rock, Seven second delay and Coffee break for heroes and villains. They also run a very readable blog entitled WFMU Beware of the Blog along with archive audio and podcasts at http://blog.wfmu.org/
Sunday, April 10, 2011
வானொலி உலகம்

- இந்தியாவின் முதல் பேசும் இணைய வானொலியை ரிலையன்ஸ் நிறுவனம் "பிக் நெட் ரேடியோ’ என்ற பெயரில் துவங்கியுள்ளது. மூன்றாம் தலைமுறை கைப்பேசிகளில் இந்த சேவையை உபயோகிக்கலாம்
- நோர்வே தனது இரண்டு மத்திய அலைவரிசை வானொலிகளை நிறுத்திவிட்டது
- கொல்லத்தில் உள்ள பிசப் பென்சிகர் மருத்துவ மனையில் இந்தியாவின் முதல் “மருத்துவமனை சமுதாய வானொலி” தொடங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
- பி.பி.சி. உலக சேவை ஆப்கானிஸ்தானில் உள்ள நேயர்களுக்கு இலவசமாக வானொலிப் பெட்டியை வழங்கிவருகிறது.
- ஹாங்காங் அரசு மூன்று டி.ஏ.பி வானொலிகளை துவங்க அனுமதி வழங்கியுள்ளது.
- இலங்கை வானொலியின் மூத்த அறிவிப்பாளர் காமினி விஜயவர்தனா தொடர்ந்து 33 மணி நேரம் வானொலியில் நேரடியாக பேசி கின்னஸ் உலக சாதனை புத்தகத்தில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளார்.
- குஜராத் மாநிலம் ராஜ்கோட்டில் அகில இந்திய வானொலி 1000 கிலோ வாட் சக்தி கொண்ட இரண்டு மத்திய அலை டி.ஆர்.எம் ஒலிபரப்பிகளை நிறுவிவருகிறது.
- ஜெர்மன் வானொலியானது வங்க தேசத்தில் பண்பலையில் தனது சேவையைத் தொடங்கியுள்ளது.
- பல்கேரிய வானொலி தனது அனைத்து டி.ஆர்.எம். ஒலிபரப்பு சேவைகளையும் நிறுத்திவிட்டதாக அறிவித்துள்ளது.
- பங்களாதேஷின் அரசு வானொலியானது ஜப்பான் வானொலியோடு ஒப்பந்தம் செய்துள்ளது. இதன் மூலம் ஜப்பானிய தொழில்நுட்பத்தினை அது விரைவில் பெற உள்ளது.
- ஜெர்மன் வானொலி தான் இந்தியாவிற்காக செய்து வரும் ஹிந்தி மற்றும் வாங்காள மொழி சிற்றலை சேவைகளை நிறுத்திவிடுவது குறித்து ஆலோசித்து வருகிறது.
- ஆத்மீக யாத்திரை வானொலி தான் தற்பொழுது மிக அதிக ஆசிய மொழிகளில் ஒலிபரப்பும் வானொலியாக இருந்து வருகிறது. ஒலிபரப்பும் மொழிகளின் எண்ணிக்கை 110 ஆகும்.
- உங்களின் கைப்பேசியிலேயே தற்பொழுது வாய்ஸ் ஆப் ரஷ்யாவை கேட்க வசதியினை செய்துள்ளனர். முகவரி: www..english.ruvr.ru/cell இலங்கை அரசானது சட்டவிரோதமாக மதம் சார்ந்து செயல்பட்ட வானொலிகளைத் தடை செய்துள்ளது.
- – மின்னக்கல் செல்வராஜ் (ADXC 2080)
ஆத்மீக யாத்திரை,
மின்னக்கல் செல்வராஜ்,
வானொலி உலகம்
Sunday, April 03, 2011
வானொலி பதில்

ச்சைபோ கே.கே. 939பி மாடல் எண் கொண்ட வானொலிப் பெட்டி குறித்து சிறிது விளக்கம் தரவும்? – என். பழனிசாமி, கோவை -28 (ADXC 2172).
சைனாவில் இருந்து சமீப காலமாக ஏராளமான தொழில்நுட்பக்கருவிகள் இறக்குமதியான வண்ணம் உள்ளன. அவற்றில் வானொலிப் பெட்டிகள் முக்கியப்பங்கு வகிக்கின்றன. இன்று தமிழகத்தின் மூலை முடுக்குகளில் எல்லாம் சீன வானொலிப்பெட்டிகள் விற்பனைக்குக் கிடைக்கின்றன. விலையும் மிகக்குறைவாக உள்ளது. ஆனால் எண்ணிலடங்கா மாடல்கள் கிடைத்தாலும் அவை சிற்றலை நேயர்களின் தேவையினை பூர்த்தி செய்யவில்லை.
கிடைக்கின்றவற்றில் எது நல்ல தரத்துடன் அனைத்து வசதிகளுடன் உள்ளது என்று பார்க்கும் பொழுது இந்த ச்சைபோ கே.கே. 939பி மாடல் எண் கொண்ட வானொலிப் பெட்டி ஓரளவுக்கு நேயர்களின் தேவையைப் பூர்த்தி செய்கிறது எனலாம். விலையும் அனைவரும் வாங்கும் விதத்தில் உள்ளது. இதில் 13 மீட்டர் முதல் 60 மீட்டர் வரையான அலைவரிசைகளில் ஒலிபரப்பும் வானொலிகளைக் கேட்கலாம். மேலும் கையடக்கமானதாக உள்ளதால் நம் பயணத்தின் போது எளிதாக எடுத்துச்செல்லக்கூடியதாக உள்ளது. டிஸ்பிளேவில் லைட் உள்ளதால் இரவு நேரங்களிலும் வானொலிகளைத் தேடிப்பிடிக்க உதவியாக உள்ளது.
உணர்திறனும் அதிகமாக உள்ளதால் அனைத்து வானொலிகளையும் எளிதாக பிடிக்கமுடிகிறது. தமிழகதின் அனைத்து பகுதிகளிலும் எளிதாகக் கிடைக்கிறது. ஆனால் இரண்டு ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் கிடைத்தது போன்று தற்பொழுது கிடைப்பதில்லை. ஆனாலும் தேடிப்பிடிக்கலாம். விலை ரூ. 250 முதல் ரூ. 350ற்குள் இந்த ச்சைபோ கே.கே. 939பி மாடல் வானொலிப் பெட்டியை வாங்கலாம்.
Kchibo KK 939B,
ச்சைபோ கே.கே. 939பி
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