Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sony launches new portable radio model market

Sony is a brand well known for providing fresh air to products that are on the edge of the step fashion. In the market for portable radios have launched the most interesting devices in recent years, with new features that let you get more out of their utilization. Model XDR-55TV is radio's newest manufacturer that stands out from previous versions by simply be a portable radio, having additional features as occurring in previous models distributed by the same company.

But the truth is that XDR-55TV does have a pretty resounding particularity, less surprising for Japanese and more curious in view of Western users. It is based on the use of television, hence the use of TV in its model name. Not that the radio has a screen where we watch TV, but 1Seg tuner lets you output the TV channels that tune into . That is, if a channel are issuing a gathering, we can listen without having to view the image, or the same for a sporting event or even a movie if it were not necessary to see the image.
In Japan, the sound is very important, existing multitude of entertainment products founded on the use of sound. The radio soap opera, which had its heyday in the past for Westerners in Japan continues to thrive as was the case decades ago. So a radio like this makes little sense to launch in the country.
Besides this, the radio tunes AM and FM frequencies, has some measures 190 x 36 x 95 millimeters and weighs 480 grams. To function only needs two AA batteries that can work with the sound playing for 17 continuous hours. It is a striking radio model is launched in Japan in the month of February, the same principles, but without determining the exact day, the cost of 16,000 yen.(Rs.9500.00)