The Global Communication Research Association
North Ryde, New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia
in collaboration with
The School of Media Studies, Loyola College, Chennai
from July 9 to 11, 2009
Media and MDGs
Science Communication
Media and Environment
Media and Gender
Media, Democracy and Human Rights
Alternative and Community Media
Asian Perspectives on Communication
Agricultural Communication
Expert Systems in Extension Science
Diffusion and Adoption
ICTs for Information Support
Communication Support for Market-led Extension
Location: Chennai (formerly called Madras) is in south India
Dates: July 9 to 11, 2009 (Thursday to Saturday)
The Chennai conference shall be for two and a half days followed by an optional half a day tour to the historical Mamallapuram and a dinner in a holiday resort.
Last date for the submission of Abstract is February 29, 2009
Abstract may be sent by email to the following academics:
Henry Victor hmv2hmv@yahoo.com
I. Arul Aram arulram@annauniv.edu
The registration fee with a hard copy of the registration form and the abstract shall also be posted to:
Henry Victor
Head, Department of Visual Communication
School of Media Studies
Loyola College
Chennai 600034, India
The last date for submission of the full paper is May 15, 2009
Host: Loyola College (autonomous), Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034.

Loyola College is a 75-year-old institution of higher education. It has a strong School of Media Studies. The school offers BSc (Visual Communication), MSc (Visual Communication), MA (Media Arts) and PhD (Communication). Another wing of the college, the Culture and Communication Centre, takes to grassroots activism in communication. The college also has a campus community radio. The college has auditoriums of difference capacities (150 and 200), and classrooms of varied sizes.
About GCRA: The Global Communication Research Association (GCRA) is an international communication research association, founded around the turn of the millennium to cater to the global south. It had conducted conferences in Sydney (Australia), Varanasi (India), Guangzhou (China) and Bangkok (Thailand). Its founder-president is Naren Chitty, Professor of International Communication of Macquarie University, Sydney. The president of the Indian chapter is Dipak De, Professor of Agricultural Extension Education in Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. GCRA brings out a journal, Journal of Global Communication twice a year. Selected papers of the conference will be published in the journal.
Conference Committee
S. Rajanayagam
A. Amalraj
Suresh Paul
Henry Victor (Organizing Secretary)
I. Arul Aram (Joint Organizing Secretary)
Cheap accommodation includes Loyola College hostels, AICUF, ICSA, and World University Service Centre. Accommodation of hostel / guesthouse type will be between Rs. 100 and Rs. 500. Several moderate accommodation facilities including Hotel Breeze and International YWCA Guesthouse are located within three kilometres from the college campus.
Hotel Breeze: Single occupancy Rs. 3000 plus tax (Rs. 3375)
Double occupancy Rs. 3600 plus tax (Rs. 4050)
Includes breakfast and use of health club
More options shall be communicated in due course.
Conference fee
Rs. 1,000 for South Asian academics and US$100 for the rest. For GCRA life members from South Asia, registration is Rs. 750 and the GCRA members from other countries US$75. Rs. 500 for South Asian research scholars and students. US$50 for non-South Asian students. Half a day sight-seeing (Rs. 500 each) and accommodation (varied charges) shall be charged separately.
Demand draft shall be drawn in the name “The Principal, Loyola College” payable at Chennai (India).
Registration fee includes:
The conference kit is a bag with a book of conference proceedings (with all abstracts selected for presentation). The conference fee also includes lunch in all three days, and dinner on the first two days. There shall be cultural programmes in the evenings.