Enter our easy Easter Radio Competition today!!!!Simply visit www.radioheritage.net and enjoy our great new story'Australia Radio Dial 1931' and then answer this simple question:
What is the name of the Sydney radio station at 1210 on the dial?I
t's that easy!Send your entry via email only to info at radioheritage dot net with 'EasterRadio Competition' in the subject line. Entries close at midnight [your local time] on March 25, 2008.The winning entry will be picked at random from correct answers andreceive a copy of the World Radio TV Handbook 2008, 672 pages packedwith details of global radio information, receiver reviews, featuresand much more.
A great gift for yourself or a friend! Invite your friends to enter as well! Only one entry per personplease.Enjoy our other new content at www.radioheritage.net and come backand visit us regularly. Please also consider making a small donationto help us continue this important non-profit work. Our donationbutton is on every page.
Entries close at midnight [your local time] on March 25, 2008, sosend your entry now. Simply email info at radioheritage dot net with 'EasterRadio Competition' in the subject line and the answer to the question.