Almost 100 All India Radio (AIR) stations are currentlyrunning without a station director even as over 200 eligible AIR officialsawait promotions because of non-existent recruitment and promotion policies.While ministry of information and broadcasting continues to fund PrasarBharti, it has no role in matters related to promotions and recruitment,sources said.In the programme cadre, the recruitment process stopped in 1991 once thePrasar Bharti Act was formulated. There have not been any recruitments orpromotions since then.There are 219 AIR stations in India out of which over 100 are run by lowergrade employees, who also look after administration. "Because there are noclear guidelines for recruitment and promotions, we are serving at lowerranks and we are not motivated to work now," said an official who has beenon the same post for 20 years.In all, there are about 52,000 employees on the rolls, of which almost 3,000employees are retiring each year only to be hired again. "Because of this,we have 70-year-olds working in newsrooms of AIR on late night shifts. Someof them cannot walk properly," sources added.The programme staff association of AIR and DD says the matter is lined upfor hearing in Supreme Court but since Prasar Bharti is not interested, itkeeps taking time from the court
[ASHISH SINHAPosted online: Monday, November 14, 2005 at 0000 hours ISTNEW DELHI, NOV 13: .http://www.financialexpress.com/fe_full_story.php?content_id=108503]
-------------------Alokesh GuptaNew Delhi, India.