BBC Hindi audiences can now speak out on issues that affect their lives in a special weekly live programme, BBC – India Bol. Broadcast every Tuesday, the new 30-minute programme is a platform for millions of listeners and online users, who tune in to BBC Hindi radio and access the programmes via, to share their views.
BBC – India Bol is modelled on World, Have Your Say, the multimedia interactive programme on BBC World Service and now also on BBC World News television.
Amit Baruah, Head of BBC Hindi, comments: "The philosophy behind BBC – India Bol is to lend a voice to our listeners and their concerns and interests.
"We put technology available to us to optimum use to make the programme as open as possible, so our audiences can participate by phone and emails and leave their comments on the programme blog on
"It is an example of how we engage our audiences in a global conversation by offering them a platform for interactivity and real-time response."
One of BBC – India Bol's presenters, BBC Hindi's Rupa Jha, adds: "This is also an excellent platform to make the audience part of our editorial call, and we invite them to come up with the topic for discussion.
"With people across the country telling us what they want us to talk about, BBC – India Bol gives us a fantastic opportunity to feel the pulse of the country. This is what has made the programme high on demand, and the free number has made it accessible to the most remote parts of India."
To contribute their comments, listeners can either call a 24-hour free number 1800-11-7000 to record their messages – or call in to the live programme between 8.00pm and 8.30pm India Standard Time on Tuesdays.
They can also log on the special BBC – India Bol section on to share their opinion on the weekly theme.
As listeners share their views on radio, a 'live text' with transcripts of their opinions is simultaneously uploaded on the programme page on
BBC – India Bol is part of BBC Hindi's news and current affairs programming produced from London and Delhi, and is available on shortwave, medium wave and via cable television.
The BBC also offers special 'infotainment' output for India's FM market, in Hindi and Tamil, available via partner stations across India, in the UAE and in the US.
Hindi-speakers across the world can access BBC Hindi in text and in audio via the website
BBC Hindi programmes are produced from London and Delhi, set in a rolling format, with news, current affairs and features.
The interactive morning and evening programmes, Aaj Ke Din and Aaj Kal, bring news, analysis and interviews on a range of issues, from current affairs and careers to showbiz and sports.
BBC Hindi is available on shortwave, medium wave, FM and via cable television.
Hindi-speakers across the world can access BBC Hindi programmes in text and in audio at the 24/7 news site
The BBC's special output for India's FM market includes infotainment updates in Hindi and Tamil languages.
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