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Thursday, April 30, 2009
New website of Prasar Bharati
http://ccwprasarbha rati.nic. in/
Lot of photo's of AIR Txers/Buildings in the photo gallery section :
http://ccwprasarbha rati.nic. in/gallery. asp?langid= 1
(Alokesh Gupta,New Delhi, India)
Developing English language media in Bangladesh
Students and teachers will benefit from the introduction of new teaching methods, materials and technology.
The BBC World Service Trust, working with BBC Learning English, will provide access to learning materials through TV, mobiles and the internet. We will also support Bangladeshi media to produce programmes that give people the opportunity to hear English in context.
Our research shows that over 70% of Bangladeshis want to learn English, with over 80% believing it will help them earn more money. A staggering 96% want their children to learn English.
This edition of The World Debate is one of the many programmes we will be producing over the next eight years. It gave Bangladesh an international platform to take part in a discussion of global significance. Through working closely with local crews it also helped to meet the demand from the Bangladesh audience for locally relevant programming in English.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
7100 to 7200 kHz allocation for amateurs in India

As decided at World Radio Conference 2003 (WRC03) the segment 7.1 to 7.2 MHz which was occupied by commercial broadcasters, was to revert to the amateur community from 29th March 2009.
This was as a result of intense campaigning by the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) during the years leading to WRC03 and WRC 07 and at the conferences. ARSI represents IARU in India, and a part of subscriptions to
ARSI goes to fund IARU, which depends solely on subscriptions from member societies to work for amateur radio when there are so many demands on frequencies from other services.
In many countries the allocation was made well before the deadline of 29th March, but there are still some broadcasters occupying some frequencies there.
The Amateur Radio Society, on behalf of all VU hams, have made a formal application and personal representation on 16th and 17th April 2009 to WPC and the Department of Telecommunications for this segment to be allocated to
the amateur community.
Representations have also been made for regular allocation of frequencies in the 6 meter and 30 meter bands, which were given on a short term basis earlier, but later withdrawn. Temporary allocations have been made for some
Dxpeditions also but we have asked for it on a permanent basis.
The question of life time and long term licenses was also taken up, as well as speedy clearances for new licenses and quick renewals ARSI will continue to follow up these matters, but it will help if all clubs and individual hams write to WPC on this to put more pressure on them.
Please forward copies of your correspondence to WPC on this subject to me to enable me to use it for future follow up. (Gopal VU2GMN, President ARSI & Director International Amateur Radio Union Region 3)
For Contact
Gopal Madhavan,
"Shreyas Apartments",
128 (old 63) Greenways Road,
R A Puram,
Chennai- 600 028, India,
Tel: +91 44 2493 7724/ 42303129,
Mob: +91 94440 18452,
E-mail: gopal.madhavan@ gmail.com
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The new IRC, known as the Nairobi model

The new illustration that will adorn the international reply coupon (IRC) as from 1 July 2009 was unveiled today in Geneva during a plenary meeting of the 24th Universal Postal Congress. A Luxembourg artist won the competition, organized by the UPU's International Bureau in order to find a design for the next generation of IRCs. The work by Rob vAN GOOR, a graphic artist from the Luxembourg Post, was selected from amongst 10 designs presented by UPU member countries. The artist interpreted the theme of the contest, "The postage stamp: a vehicle for exchange", by depicting the world being cradled by a hand, and the perforated outline of a postage stamp. All 169 countries present at the UPU Congress had the opportunity to cast a vote for the winning design.
The new IRC, known as the Nairobi model, will go on sale on 1 July 2009. Postal customers, collectors and philatelists will probably be able to exchange it until the end of 2013. It will replace the current coupon, known as Beijing 2, which first went on sale on 1 July 2006 and will remain valid until 31 December 2009.
The international reply coupon is a postal product exchangeable in every UPU member country for one or more postage stamps representing the minimum postage for an ordinary priority letter-post item or an ordinary airmail letter sent abroad for the reply. Some 2.2 million reply coupons are sold each year by 121 postal administrations. While not all countries sell IRCs, all the postal operators of the UPU's 191 member countries, and their territories, are required to exchange them.
More than a century after it first appeared in 1907, the international reply coupon remains a useful item. Aside from its traditional use for correspondence, two particular groups of users have emerged: students, who use it as a means of exchanging correspondence with academic institutions, and amateur radio enthusiasts, who use coupons when exchanging their "QSL cards" confirming radio reception.
Just a reminder for those who like to stockpile International Reply Coupons
(IRCs) - the current IRC will expire at the end of year.
Unlike the old style coupons, the current types all have an expiry date,
giving them a maximum life of 3 years. If you purchased a current IRC today,
they will still expire on December 31, 2009.
Ken, ZL2HU, advises us on the following information from the International
Postal Union in Geneva:
"The current issue (Beijing 2) IRC may be exchanged up to 31 December 2009
(date printed on coupon). In principle, Beijing 2 coupons will no longer be
sold from 31 August 2009.
"The new international reply coupon (Nairobi model) is due to go on sale
from 1 July 2009, and will be valid for exchange until 31 December 2013."
Ken states, "So make sure you aren't holding any of the Beijing 2 coupons at
the end of this year."
To see what the new IRC looks like, go to:
http://www.upu. int/news_ centre/2008/ en/2008-08- 08_irc.shtml
Source: OPDX via Southgate
http://www.southgat earc.org/ news/april2009/ irc_dates. htm
(Mike Terry Via DXLD)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
ITU Corporate Annual Report 2008 released online

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
BBC Russian site relaunched
The page is now over 20 percent wider, giving more space - a full 214 extra pixels, in fact - to showcase the very best of the BBC's Russian language output.
In particular, a new Rolling News index has been added - which allows users to see the latest news stories as they are published onto the site - a first for the BBC language services.
"We are publishing six to eight short stories an hour to reflect the news as it comes in," explains Dmitry Shishkin, editor of BBCRussian.com.
"This is another feature very popular in the Russian market where the audience clearly needs it. We tried to boost the video and interactive presence as well as keeping a very significant amount of news stories and analysis on the front page."
Perfect platform
As a result, there is now more video available than ever within a single click on the site. This will soon be followed by new indexes for all of the Russian radio programmes.
"We always distinguished ourselves as being the only news site in Russian which gives the user the ultimate multiplatform experience. When a big story breaks the user reading our text story is also able to watch an embedded video, a picture gallery, to read and/or contribute to a forum on the issue, to listen to the radio discussion, and to comment on a blog," says Dmitri.
"The new site is a perfect platform for this task."
It follows the BBC World Service sites for English, Vietnamese, Spanish, Persian, Urdu and Portuguese.
"It was always our great disadvantage that the old site looked really different in comparison to the competitors' sites," Dmitry adds.
"We simply looked unusual and rather dated, the site was too compact in Russian terms - the market there is used to very long front pages. So we wanted to address that when we discussed the redesign."
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
BBC rides FM poll wagon with election capsules
This week, it has introduced 'BBC Election Q&A', one minute capsules for raising awareness on the voting procedures, working of the voting machine, political system etc. BBC World Service India FM Desk Editor Rashika Kaul says, "It is a brain teaser to create curiosity about the electoral process and empowering the listeners with information delivered in an engrossing style." BBC Election Q&A started airing from 13 April and has slots three times a day, during the morning and evening drive time and during the day.
Already on air from 16 April, the second capsule, 'BBC Ek din ka pradhan mantri' is aired four times a day and showcases people from different spheres. "It would be short, crisp, impactful programming featuring people from diverse sections of society expressing their actions if they were prime minister for a day. The key of this capsule is the diversity in the people involved." BBC Ek din ka pradhan mantri also has film stars, journalists, IIM students, housewives, cab drivers, celebs like Javed Akhtar, Aamir Khan and Rahul Bose.
BBC has worked with Indian Railways to design a timetable for the 'BBC Express' project where BBC reporters will travel across India. The train will travel along the following route: Delhi-Ahmedabad-Mumbai-Hyderabad-Bhubaneswar-Kokata-Patna-Allahabad-Dehli. Covering areas across provincial towns and rural areas, BBC's global audience will get to hear the views of a wide range of Indian voters.
Says Kaul, "Apart from being a publicity exercise for BBC, it is an interesting concept of connecting to the real India. As news is not permitted on radio, there won't be any serious issues discussed but quizzing on the electoral process, constituencies etc." Aired four times a day, the RJs on the journey will be linked live to the radio station carrying BBC capsules. Starting from 25th April, BBC Express will be a month long segment covering elections.
The election capsules would be aired across all stations of Radio One, regional FM stations like Radio Choklate (Bubhaneshwar, Rourkela), Radio Chaska (Gwalior), Radio Tadka (Udaipur, Jaipur), Radio Tomato (Kolhapur), Radio Rangeela, and Radio Misty (Siliguri).
Apart from India, it will be broadcasted in six frequencies of World band Radio across Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Jose, Washington etc. Quizzed about the listenership of Indian election broadcast internationally, Kaul verifies, "World Band Media has many south asian listeners who are interested in keeping a tab on the election scenario in India. The capsules aired in the US would be similar to the slots in India."
Online users will be able to track the journey of the train through a special interactive map and a daily blog available on the BBC's India Election webpage www.bbc.com/india.
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai,India)
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Prime Kagiso provides IPL updates to radio stations in India
The radio content will include access to on-ground events, interactive contests, on-air polls, expert analysis and exclusive audio bytes from the ground.. "We will have a 'nerve centre' studio where the programming will be packaged and relayed as a feed to a network of radio stations. Apart from a team and technical producer, we hope to have the services of a specialist on board to choreograph new elements into the broadcast as this is a first for FM radio in India," says PrimeTime-Kagiso chairman Omar Essack.
Radio City 91.1FM has joined hands with Primetime Kagiso to be the official radio partner for IPL2. Under the terms of the agreement, the radio station will provide moments from both on and off the field throughout the IPL season.
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Monday, April 20, 2009
BBC Russian now on Nokia internet radio
The Russian channel will be added to three audio channels currently available - BBC World Service in English, BBC World Service's 24-hour rolling news in English, and BBC Arabic.
All four channels will be available for live streaming, offering high-quality, impartial and editorially independent news and information. The new Russian channel will offer eight hours of live radio every weekday, from 14 April. Transmissions will run from 0100 to 0130 GMT; 0230 to 0600 GMT; and 1300 to 1900 GMT. In addition, weekend programming will run from 1600 to 1730 GMT on Saturdays and Sundays.
New and recent models of Nokia phones will come with the pre-installed radio application which can be found in the Applications menu. BBC channels are listed in the station directory.
Ruxandra Obreja, Controller, BBC World Service Business Development team, says: "We're delighted to continue strengthening the BBC's agreement with Nokia, launching another language stream and giving listeners a richer, broader offering while they are on the move."
Karl Kathuria, Head of Digital Delivery, BBC World Service, adds: "This shows our commitment to offering our content to multiple platforms in a variety of ways."
Nokia's head of radio business, Teemu Tarnanen says: "The BBC channels are consistently in the Top 10 most popular channels in Nokia Internet Radio.
"We're thrilled to have more BBC content available to the millions of mobile listeners through the service."
If your Nokia handset doesn't already have the radio feature, you can download the application from nokia.com/internetradio.
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Contest deadline is December 31st, 2009.
Every participant will be awarded a prize, consisting in a Cuban stamp series issued as of 1959.
Send your essay to: Radio Havana Cuba
P. O. Box 6240
Havana Cuba
E-mail: radiohc@enet.cu
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I&B Ministry grants 3 years to World Space for new licensing
World Space, in a official communiqué to the Information and Broadcasting Ministry, said that the company would divest 26 per cent equity in favour of Indian equity investors, within a five-year timeframe. This will be in consonance with the new licensing regime proposed by the government.
However, the government has offered World Space India, a three-year deadline to migrate into the new licensing regime. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of World Space Asia based in Singapore.
At present, World Space provides 34 radio channels in India that include BBC World and London-based WRN news channels. The government foresees entry of topnotch foreign players into the virgin satellite radio services market once the licensing regime being considered by union cabinet is put in place.
World Space was launched with the intention of providing digital satellite radio primarily in the emerging markets of Asia and Africa. The radio services are provided on a subscription basis and the radio services are uninterrupted because it has no spots. The only source of income is subscriptions.
Already, US-based Sirius XM Radio, the largest satellite radio player internationally, has evinced keen interest in making a foray into Indian satellite radio market. Sirius that has operations in North America, Canada and Alaska had acquired XM in July 2008.
The satellite radio networks will allow subscribers access to programmes relayed worldwide via fixed, portable or vehicular radio sets. Opening up satellite radio to new domestic and foreign players will widen choice of programmes already the subscribers have through AM & FM radio broadcast of All India Radio (AIR).
As per draft cabinet note circulated by Information and Broadcasting Ministry, the 74 per cent FDI cap will be set for Satellite radio operators, on par with those on other platform services like teleports and Direct to Home (DTH).
The bidding for licenses to enter the satellite radio space may be held once the current Lok Sabha elections are completed, an official said on condition of anonymity. The government also foresees a chunk of FM radio broadcasters offering satellite services, as most of the licence norms would be similar between the two.
FM radio service providers cover 35.50 per cent population and a geographical area of 24.41 per cent. About 245 FM channels are operational in the country across 87 cities. As per policy formulation under consideration, FM services may be extended to another 210 cities.
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Channai Ham Meet-2009

On 12 April 2009 Sunday evening in the Maharastra Nivas, Alwarpet, Chennai some of the SWL's and plenty of Hams were meet together.
I went there at 4 o'clock.. Already some of the Ham were there including Mr. Deepan and Mr. Vipin.
I am very much happy to see the active hams after long back in one place.
This is the first time here in Chennai the meet were arrange by SWL and active Hams. (Some of the group meeting was also going on, but it is different from that)
Some of the SRM students were also attend the event.
Mr. Gopal Madavan gives the special speech for budding hams. Before that Mr. Deepan give the welcome address.
Some of the veteran hams also share their experience.

If you are in Chennai..
Are want to become a Ham?
Are you willing to write the exam in June?
Then you must be always visit www.chennaihams.blogspot.com
Also you register your mail ID to hamexams@gmail.com
Some More photos

Thursday, April 09, 2009
"Puduvai Vaani" is a Community Radio Station from Pondicherry

Recently I have a chance to visit Pondicherry University's community FM "Puduvai Vaani". It is 12 km from the main bus stand. Station have plenty of space. Infrastructure were also unbeatable with All India Radio, Pondicherry. You will see these photos in the following link and agree with me.
Pondicherry University launches community FM Puduvai Vaani 107.8MHz on January 2009. The new Community Radio Service, initiated and implemented by University. The FM reaches a distance of about 12 kms radius. Regular transmission is going on air from Jan 1, 2009. Besides the faculty and students of University, programmes are also presented by the community people. The language of broadcasting primarily includes Tamil and English.
Puduvai Vaani has been started with an aim to make awareness among the people to improve their nature of life style. Puduvai Vaani is the public broadcaster to awaken, inform, enlighten educate and entertain all section of the people including the programme on women empowerment, communal harmony, health and education. It also brings out the hidden talents of the students in and around the University campus. CRS also includes its service on the practical session for the students of Centre for Electronic Media and Mass Communication.
Prof. J.A.K. Tareen, Vice-Chancellor of Pondicherry University said in his message, "The voice of the community should also be heard and attended to. The "Puduvai Vaani" is a Community Radio Station established by the University with the support of CEMCA, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), New Delhi and provided by the Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GOI. It works under FM 107.8 Mhz a frequency which is currently extended to a catchment's area of 20 km radius from the university campus. By linking with other similar stations, the university plans to reach the mass at large for their community development, people's participation, and knowledge and information transformation."
Special programmes in standard format both in Tamil and English are produced by production team. Radio Tutor series and subject related documentaries are aimed at providing Adaptive Learning Methods for the students of primary, secondary and higher education. Rural men and women, children and senior citizens will be given enough opportunities to share their views, experiences and expectations. "Puduvai Vaani" is a good platform for aspiring media professionals to get themselves trained and empowered in New Media.
Programme Schedule
Academic Co-ordination:
Prof .A.Balasubramanian
Director - Culture and Cultural Relations
Mr. A. Muthamil, Centre for Electronic media
Mrs. Radhika Khanna, Centre for Electronic media
Production Team: ( Audio/ Video)
Mr. J.A .Sanjeev Kumar, Producer (A/ V)
Mrs.S.Saleema Rabiyath, Programme Executive (FM - CRS)
Mr. S.Balamurugan, Production Asst. (A/ V)
Mr. K. karthikeyan, Translator - Cum- Announcer (FM- CRS)
Mr. M.Iyyanar - Technician (A/ V)
Mr. G.Govindaraj - Sound Recordist (FM - CRS)
Mr. S.C. Hema Kumar - Studio Asst
Mr. G.Siva Kumar - Studio Operations
Mr. D.Durai Vijayan - Studio Operations
Mr. V.Meenakshi Sundaram - Studio Operations
Mr. M.Umeshan - Studio Operations
Ms. M.Manamathi - Digital Music
For Details Contact:
Sri .S.Loganathan, Registrar
Sri. S. Raghavan, Finance Officer
Dr. J.Sampath, Controller of Examinations (I/c)
Address to contact:
Puduavai Vaani FM 107.8 MHz
First floor, Convention- Cum - Cultural centre, (Opp to PEC),
Pondicherry University,
Puducherry -14.
Email: puduvaivaani@gmail.com
Web: http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/fmradio/
Tel: 0413 2655997, 2654552
Monday, April 06, 2009
Zee to pull down shutters on radio biz in UK
business, a senior company executive said Zee Radio would cease broadcasting from 30 April.
"We wanted a 24-hour radio station on air. We thought we would get the licence in a year's time. That didn't happen. Zee Radio would stop transmission from 30 April," Zee Network UK and Europe head Govind Shahi told Indiantelevision.com in a telephonic conversation from London.
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BBC commissions India Election Train to cover polls
Working with the Indian Railways, reporters from the BBC's Global News division will travel through India by train, investigating what Indians want from their General Election and the key themes surrounding it from 25 April until 13 May.
On board the train will reporters from BBC World Service English, BBC Hindi, BBC Urdu, BBC Tamil, BBC Bengali, BBC Somali, BBC Swahili, BBC World News television, Arabic TV, Persian TV and BBC.Com/news. Highly knowledgeable about the country, a number permanently based there, the journalists will broadcast stories to the world, across radio, TV and online.
The BBC has worked with Indian Railways to design a timetable for the project and the train will travel along the following route: Delhi-Ahmedabad-Mumbai-Hyderabad-Bhubaneswar-Kokata (Kolkata)-Patna-Allahabad-Dehli. With the team visiting major population centres, as well as contrasting provincial towns and rural areas, the BBC's global audience will get to hear the views of a wide range of Indian voters.
Online users will be able to track the journey of the train through a special interactive map and a daily blog available on the BBC's India Election webpage www.bbc.com/india.
BBC reporters will investigate a variety of topics throughout their journey, with a key one being India's response to the current economic crisis. India's economy is still growing and some believe it could assist the recovery of other markets around the world.
Richard Sambrook, Director BBC Global News, says: "The BBC's approach to covering the India Election is unique and representative of the breadth and depth of its newsgathering facility. Multiplatform and multilingual, the BBC India Election Train will provide audiences in India and around the world with an in-depth view of the election and the key themes and issues surrounding it". (Radioandmusic.com)
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Friday, April 03, 2009
AIR A09 PG (Scanned copy)
- Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India
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Thursday, April 02, 2009
All India Radio Home service scedule A09

Now you will access the All India Radio Home service scedule on the following link
Informal HAM Eyeball at Chennai on 12th April 2009 !!!
As a precursor to the world amateur radio day coming up in April month (18th April) the Chennaihamsblogspot invites all the Chennai HAMS and SWL's to come together for the passion of this wonderful hobby under one roof in chennai for an informal eyeball on April 12th 2009 at 4:30PM onwards . Its long time since Chennai has an interaction like this.
The Eyeball Venue address:
The eyeball meeting is a casual interaction meet for all SWL's/budding HAMS to meet around with buddies to discuss on preparation plans to take up ASOL exams and also for all OM's to catch up old friends , have a chat etc.
Its also an opportunity to share suggestions/ ideas for the improvement of the blogsite as well overall HAM activities in Chennai or any other subject related to ham radio.
Your presence for this gettogether will be the key to success of the event and a stepping stone for organising further HAM activities during 2009 in Chennai.
For any further info/suggestions pls call anyone below.
Deepan/VU2DPN/ 9840790506
Vipin/SWL/984087357 8
Devdas/VU2DH/ 9841015516
Sathyan/VU3MES/ 9840988517
Look forward seeing you during the eyeball.
With Regards
ChennaiHamsblogspot team