Today (30 Jan) and for the past few days, RTM's domestic service in Tamil, Minnal FM, has been relayed for part of the local afternoon and evening on 15295 (from before 0930 UTC, with distorted audio) and 11885 (from around 1020 UTC), both frequencies continuing past 1040 UTC. The shortwave frequencies normally carry the external service Voice of Malaysia in Malay on 15295 only until 1030, then in Chinese 1030-1230 on 15295 and 11885.
Time will tell whether this is a permanent change or just a temporary suspension of the external service programmes during the Chinese New Year period. Voice of Malaysia in Indonesian is still heard signing on as usual at 1000 on 6175 kHz. Minnal FM, then called RTM Radio 6, used to be relayed 24h on 4845 kHz but that frequency has been inactive for several years now.
Alan Davies
visiting Kuala Lumpur [via dxld]
If you would like.... to here the first hand world news as it is happening from a big or small station Then.. If you live in South Asia and Radio listening is your favourite hobby then you must see this page everyday.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Thursday, January 26, 2006
RTI Listeners' Clubs Meetings Announcement
Radio Taiwan International has decided to allow listeners without valid RTI passes to join the Listeners' Club Meetings in Delhi, Kolkata (Calcutta) and Dhaka. However, listeners with passes will be given the priority to enter.
If you do not possess a pass, you may participate as well by showing a souvenir, a QSL Card or a postcard from RTI.
1. Scheduled meeting dates are as flows:
February 18, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Delhi, India
February 19, 2006 at 12 PM in Kolkata, India
February 21, 2006 at 12 PM in Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Venues will be announced on February 10, 2006 on the RTI English web page
If you do not possess a pass, you may participate as well by showing a souvenir, a QSL Card or a postcard from RTI.
1. Scheduled meeting dates are as flows:
February 18, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Delhi, India
February 19, 2006 at 12 PM in Kolkata, India
February 21, 2006 at 12 PM in Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Venues will be announced on February 10, 2006 on the RTI English web page
RTI Listeners' Clubs Meetings Announcement
Radio Taiwan International has decided to allow listeners without valid RTI passes to join the Listeners' Club Meetings in Delhi, Kolkata (Calcutta) and Dhaka. However, listeners with passes will be given the priority to enter.
If you do not possess a pass, you may participate as well by showing a souvenir, a QSL Card or a postcard from RTI.
1. Scheduled meeting dates are as flows:
February 18, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Delhi, India
February 19, 2006 at 12 PM in Kolkata, India
February 21, 2006 at 12 PM in Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Venues will be announced on February 10, 2006 on the RTI English web page
If you do not possess a pass, you may participate as well by showing a souvenir, a QSL Card or a postcard from RTI.
1. Scheduled meeting dates are as flows:
February 18, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Delhi, India
February 19, 2006 at 12 PM in Kolkata, India
February 21, 2006 at 12 PM in Dhaka, Bangladesh
2. Venues will be announced on February 10, 2006 on the RTI English web page
Saturday, January 21, 2006
CRI Top Ten 2005 results

CRI Online’s vote for the most important events of 2005 has come to an end. During the two-week voting period, we received 20,282 votes in all five categories. Thank you for your participation in the poll and also for your wonderful comments on different events and about CRI’s English Service. We really appreciate it!
Top Winners
Nick Sharpe Age:45 Country:Great Britain (UK)
Mohammad Arshadd Qureshi Aazadd Age:28 Country:Pakistan
Jyrki Hytonen Age:49 Country:Finland
Xuecun Li Country:China City:Xinjiang
Cheng Yu Country:China City:Beijing
Yingtian Hu Country:China City:Beijing
Barbara Xu Country:China City:Beijing
Cherry Country:China City:Zhejiang
Zhou Zhengxi Country:China City:Fujian
Yilei Huang Country:China City:Shanghai
Yafei Hu Country:China City:Beijing
Liao Junyu Country:China City:Beijing
Yang Yong Country:China City:Beijing
Li Jue Country:China City:Beijing
Jian zhu Shi Country:China City:Zhejiang
梁 爽 Country:China City:Shanghai
张 扬 Country:China City:Beijing
Sujan Parajuli Country:Nepal
A. K. M. Nuruzzaman Country:Bangladesh
Jeff Bowes Country:United Kingdom
Bijaya Niroula Country:United Kingdom
Shaikh Muhammad Younis Country:Pakistan
Abbid Hussain Sajidd Country:Pakistan
Muhammad Shamim.S. Country:India
Sujan Parajuli Country:Nepal
Jamal Ghamous Country:Iran
Nahidf Saeed Country:Pakistan
Maruf Dewan Country:Finland
Nazir Chaudhry Country:Pakistan
Francisca Yanett Country:Chile
Emmanuel Alley Country:Ghana
Jaisakthivel Country:India
Mohammad Aslam Country:India
Amir Manzoor Country:Pakistan
Jianming Cai Country:Australia
Greti Terzieva Country:Bulgaria
Marjory Langridge Country:Australia
Eduard Boada Country:Spain
Ibrahim Rustamov Country:Tajikistan
Capt. Ed. Clemente Country:USA
Shehzadd Baber Country:Pakistan
Ka Cheung Country:United Kingdom
Salisu Muhammad Dawanau Country:Nigeria
Thursday, January 19, 2006

by Bob Locher W9KNI
3rd Edition
At last, the long awaited third edition of "The Complete DX'er" is becoming available. Far and away the most popular DX book ever written, "The Complete DX'er" is both the highly entertaining diary of a serious DX chaser, and at the same time full of lessons for DX'ing success.
Written in a warm, personal style, this is a work you will read again and again. It very much respects and honors the traditions of DX'ing, yet brings a sense of excitement to the chase.
There are over 26,000 copies in print; yet try to find a used copy anywhere. The new edition has been revised to take into account the realities of DX'ing in the 21st century.
Publication date is June 1, 2003. Place your order now for your copy!
How to Contact Us:
U.S. Mail:
Idiom Press
P. O. Box 1985
Grants Pass, OR 97528, USA
Book Reviews
Here are a sampling of the reviews of the previous edition of "The Complete DX'er":
Locher proceeds to spill the beans about operating techniques..(that are)..dark mysteries to most operators. A more apt title for his book might have been 'The Complete Operator,’ because most of what he has to say can apply to every time we turn our radios on.. Locher has put it all together in a readable fashion. His easy, conversational style never condescends to the reader.. “The Complete DX’er” leaves other tutorials behind: it not only advises what to do, it tells how to do it.. Sections on choosing a station and selecting antennas are particularly useful.. Locher pulls everything
together.. Developing skills is what this work is about. What you have is a timeless work that will teach as well in the year 2020 as it teaches today.
QST Magazine:
Some weeks back, your DX editor had the good fortune to peruse galley proofs of W9KNl's new book, which is sure to increase the competition for DX on our bands! The book reads as if Bob was sitting at your side as you tune the band, conversationally telling you how to use those tricks that are the hallmark of the seasoned DX’er. In addition to his realistic hands-on approach, his sidelights all through the book seem to catch both his personal style and the intangible allure of our world of DX.
Over the years there have been some pretty good DX books, and a few that have been simply terrible. What there hasn't been is a really great DX book - until now, that is. W9KNl has created a first class treatise on the art of DX’ing that's every bit as entertaining as it is educational. No one, whether newcomer or grizzled DXCC Honor Roll member will fail to find something useful in Bob's latest dissertation on DX’ing.. Bob sends the reader back to the shack to resume that search for that ever-elusive new one. He'll find him, too, now that he's been helped along by one of the true masters of the art.. Those who buy this book looking for beam heading charts, prefix lists and postal rates are going to be disappointed - there are no charts or tables. What it does contain are the wit and wisdom of DX chasing, written by an acknowledged expert. This book could be the best investment a DX’er could make; I can think of no higher recommendation!
73 Magazine:
Few enjoyments surpass the pleasure of a good book. The book should be interesting - entertainingly written or instructive, preferably both. It should be fact-filled, yet exciting, never permitting boredom. Most of all, a good book should fascinate the reader and, when possible, place him or her right in the middle of the action. You will find Bob Locher W9KNl's `The Complete DX'er’ such a book.
Written by an experienced DX chaser, yet clear and simple enough for the beginner, the book tantalizes and teaches at the same time. “The Complete DX’er'” can be a reference and a guide ... a welcome companion to be savored at leisure. Most assuredly, it represents a solid-gold treasure trove of information amassed by a skilled operator during a lifetime of DX chasing.
The first section of the book deals with basic and intermediate skills and equipment.. a primer of great and lasting value. The second section of the book builds upon the first, adding refinements of technique, special tricks of the trade, and how to be a sportsman in the truest sense of the word. It teaches you about 'Winning, Losing, and Playing the Game.' Finally, Bob teaches you his 'Last Secret' before turning you loose on the unsuspecting world. In 'Conclusion,' you are left with a philosophy and a new beginning.
“The Complete DX’er” is bound to be a smash hit, so you had better get out the checkbook right away and put in your order before they're gone..
Last Friday, I bought a copy of a paperback book titled “The Complete DX'er,” by Bob Locher W9KNI. To make a short story shorter, I received the book, read it cover to cover that night, and read it cover to cover the next night too! W9KNI is not just another journalist with a hundred countries. He is presently at the very top of the DXCC CW Honor Roll, and uses that experience to illustrate his ideas. Unlike other 'How to DX' writers who tell us what equipment to buy and what a DX Bureau is, Locher describes HOW to listen, HOW to attack a pileup, and HOW to think like a DX station so that you can get him into the log. Chapters on basic, intermediate and advanced listening and pile-up technique are peppered with interesting narratives. Only a few chapters are devoted to hardware, and the references there are amazingly sparce. It gives one the notion that DXing is not a rich man's game, but an artform which can be mastered and enjoyed regardless of the amount of hardware in the shack and on the tower. This is not a book which will gather dust on the shelf after one reading, but rather a course in DX technique which you will want to refer to again and again. Buy, beg or borrow a copy of this book if you are at all interested in DXing.
WESTLINK REPORT: “The Complete DX'er,” by Bob Locher (W9KNI) is simply the best book of its type ever written. Locher, a world class operator who has dominated the CW DXCC Honor Roll since 1975, now shares much of the insight that has brought him to this prestigious position. What is more important is that he has done so in a way that you will find almost spell binding.
There are no charts, formulas or maps. Rather, Locher uses his literary ability to 'converse' with the reader, almost as though he is sitting in your shack in a one on one conversation. He shares secrets and often forgotten common-sense operating techniques in an effort to help you snag the 'rare one.'
Simply said, “The Complete DX'er” is a book that all amateurs will find interesting and entertaining, even if they spend all their time on their local two meter repeater. We feel that it's worth every penny!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Passport to World Band Radio 2006

Passport to World Band Radio 2006
Radio Netherlands Media Network
The 2006 of Passport to World Band Radio was published in October 2005. Described on the cover as "World's #1 Selling Shortwave Guide", there is no doubt about the focus of this annual publication. Its core content and format have not changed much since it was first published 22 years ago, and it does an excellent job of introducing new listeners to what's on the dial between 2 and 30 MHz. Its coverage of that part of the broadcast spectrum is excellent, and we were pleased to see that digital shortwave (DRM) is prominently featured in the receiver review section.
This year's special feature covers China and Tibet. Interestingly, in addition to profiling China Radio International, author Manosij Guha has included considerable detail about China's jamming of some shortwave broadcasts. This may help ensure that pressure will be maintained on the Chinese authorites in the run-up to the 2008 Olympics. Plaudits to Passport for taking the opportunity to raise awareness of an issue which is too infrequently mentioned in the mainstream press.
For newcomers to shortwave listening, Passport contains a 34-page section called "Compleat [sic] Idiot's Guide to Getting Started". Despite its facetious name, there is a good deal of useful information, including a selection of English programmes from international broadcasters called 'Ten of the Best', which again this year includes two from Radio Netherlands - the Research File and Wide Angle (now part of Saturday Connection).
Passport's focus on programming as well as frequencies and receivers is very much appreciated by the producers at the international broadcasters. A comprehensive section called 'Hour by Hour - What's on Tonight?' fills 60 pages, and there's also a section for expatriates called 'Voices from Home' which tells them how to tune into the broadcaster from their homeland in their native language. Finally, there's a comprehensive listing of Worldwide Broadcasts in English.
But for many regular readers, the twin attractions of Passport are the graphical listings of all shortwave broadcasts by frequency, and the comprehensive equipment reviews. The frequency listings have always been controversial amongst shortwave hobbyists. Passport's editorial deadline comes well before many of the broadcasters have finalised their winter schedules, and frequency planning for next summer has barely started. So some of the information in the so-called Blue Pages is, by the editors' own admission, "creatively opined". But the editors do point out, quite correctly, that they have decades of experience, and every year some of the "creatively opined" information turns out to be remarkably accurate. Of course, they cannot predict changes resulting from political decisions, budget cuts and the like.
In conjunction with the Blue Pages, the Addresses Plus section gives full contact information for all the stations in the listings. For the international broadcasters, websites and e-mail addresses are also given. 'How to Choose a World Band Radio' is the equipment section with over 140 pages containing reviews of receivers and antennas. The writing style of Passport's Editor-in-Chief, Larry Magne, ensures that it never becomes dull. Larry is very authoritative, but also has a sense of humour, and is not afraid to tell it like it is. The review of the cheap Coby CX-CB91 is typical, concluding: "With tuning so hopeless and earpiece audio that can be unexpectedly painful, this Chinese model is unfit for human consumption."
On the other hand, those receivers worthy of serious consideration get several pages to themselves, with clear and easy-to-understand explanations of their strengths and weaknesses. The only disconcerting thing is that the ratings are now indicated as 1-5 stars, sometime followed by a figure such as 5/8. A different system (for example points out of 100) might be a better way of indicating minor differences in overall ratings.
Edited in the USA and printed in Canada, Passport to World Band Radio 2006 is very North America-focused, but is valuable to anyone around the world who wants a good reference to shortwave broadcasting in English and other major languages. Its binding enables the book to be opened flat while bandscanning, enhancing the usefulness of the Blue Pages. All in all, the 2006 edition is well up to the standard of previous editions, and we highly recommend it.
Larry Magne, et al.
No of pages: 592
Publisher: IBS North America, P.O. Box 300, Penns Park, PA 18943, USA. Tel: +1 (215) 598 9018. Fax: +1 (215) 598 3794.
Web: (online ordering available)
Price: US$22.95 including fast priority mail shipping free in the US
US$25.95 to Canada & Mexico by global priority airmail
US$27.95 to the UK by global priority airmail
Other countries: see Web site for details.
Also available at up to 30% discount from some online bookstores!
This review was compiled by the staff of 'Media Network', the English language Webzine of Radio Netherlands. The review was done independently of the author and publisher. Radio Netherlands has no financial connection with either and provides the information above in good faith.
World Radio TV Handbook Review

World Radio TV Handbook by Richard Dixon
Radio Netherlands Media Network
The World Radio TV Handbook (WRTH), subtitled the Directory of Global Broadcasting, published its 60th anniversary edition in December 2005. This publishing milestone is celebrated in a special 24-page part of the full-colour section. Three pages are devoted to a brief history of the WRTH itself, but the rest of the anniversary section contains special articles from the perspective of both the broadcaster and listener. Indeed, WRTH has always served as a reference book for both markets, which over the years proved to be both a strength and a weakness. Ten years ago, the WRTH seemed to be losing its way, but a new publishing and editorial team have revived it, and it's now better than ever.
The anniversary section
"50 Years of DXing" by veteran shortwave listener Jerry Berg looks at the changes on the dial from a listener's point of view. Two articles deal with changes in equipment used for reception and transmission over the past 60 years. These are well written but essentially factual pieces. But our favourite special feature is "the Future of Radio" which is actually a series of interviews with important figures from the world of broadcasting: Ray Canovale, Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of CBC; Dr Chris Westcott, Director of BBC Monitoring; three senior staff from VT Communications; and Dr Peter Senger, Chief Operating Officer at Deutsche Welle and Chairman of the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Consortium. DRM is also discussed in a separate three-page overview of digital broadcasting developments in the past 12 months. The jury is still out on whether DRM is going to establish itself as a major new technology, as it is currently in a state of limbo awaiting the arrival of affordable consumer receivers.
Speaking of receivers, the shortwave receiver reviews section in this edition is only 13 pages long due to the special 60th anniversary coverage, and while its content written by John Nelson is authoritative, it certainly isn't comprehensive. Only eight receivers, including three high-end portables, are reviewed in detail. In this respect, the casual shortwave listener needs to turn to other sources, such as Passport to World Band Radio, for an overview of what's available. For older receivers, the Media Network Receiver Shopping List remains online, though due to budget cuts it's no longer able to review new models.
The reference sections
The listings of radio and TV stations around the world have always been the raison d'être of WRTH, and these are becoming increasingly complex as the years go by. The page count is now over seven times larger than it was 60 years ago, and due to the use of a much smaller print size the book probably contains at least ten times as much information.
Essentially, the structure of the book has not changed in all that time: stations are listed by country and frequency. There are now separate country listings for domestic and international broadcasting services. Also, added in the past few years is a section listing clandestine and other target broadcasts. The frequency lists are divided into five separate mediumwave tables covering different geographical regions, and a single shortwave list in frequency order. There are also handy lists of international broadcasts in English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish in time order. All times in the WRTH are, of course, in UTC.
The radio listings in the WRTH are generally of a very high standard, and the list of contributors reads like a who's who of international radio listening. The shortwave frequency information is as up-to-date as it could possibly be, bearing in mind the very short time between the start of the winter schedules and the print deadline of the book. For example, the frequency of Voice of the People to Zimbabwe via the Radio Netherlands' Madagascar relay station was changed to 11705 kHz just a few days before the start of the winter season at the end of October, and this is correctly shown in the section clandestine and other target broadcasts and in the shortwave frequency table. That's impressive. Of course, a 704-page reference book cannot be perfect, and we were disappointed to see that the name of the Radio Netherlands Director-General has not been updated. Lodewijk Bouwens is still listed, although he retired and was succeeded by Jan Hoek in January 2005.
The one weak link
As far as content is concerned, the radio listings are excellent, but the TV section of the WRTH is its one weak link. The amount of space devoted to TV has actually decreased to the extent that it's of doubtful use to anyone with a serious interest in television as opposed to radio. For example, in the listing for the Netherlands, only brief details of the public broadcasting organisations are given, and those are incomplete. According to the WRTH there are just seven broadcasting organisations producing programmes on the public channels - in fact, there are now more than twenty! And none of the Dutch commercial channels, which have a combined market share of about 75 percent, are even mentioned. The UK listing has no reference to British Sky Broadcasting, but public TV in Andorra is listed. There doesn't seem to be a clear rationale for what to include and what to leave out.
We have one observation about the layout of the book: in an effort to cram as much as possible onto every page, the white space between individual lines has been reduced to an absolute minimum, and this makes some sections rather tiring to read for any length of time. However, we accept that people don't read WRTH like a novel, and many users would probably accept the tradeoff. But it does highlight the fact that WRTH is bursting at the seams with information - not literally, we're pleased to say, as the quality of the binding is good.
A labour of love
There's no doubt that the UK publisher of WRTH has made substantial improvements to the content and quality of the book since taking it over, and the 2006 edition is definitely the best and most comprehensive ever. With a growing list of specialist contributors, we predict continuing success. WRTH may be 60, but it's certainly not ready for early retirement. It's true that much of the information can be found elsewhere, but the value of WRTH is that somebody else has done all the research and organised it. Some of the specialist contributors have been involved with the book for decades, and regard it as a labour of love. We congratulate them and the whole WRTH team on a job well done.
Publisher: Nicholas Hardyman
No of pages: 704
WRTH Publications Limited,
PO Box 290, Oxford,
OX2 7FT,
United Kingdom
Order Fax: +44 (0)1865 514405.
Web (secure online ordering):
Cover price: £22.00 including airmail postage worldwide.
ISBN: 0-9535864-8-0
Published in the USA by Watson-Guptill Publications,
770 Broadway,
New York,
NY 10003-9595,
Distributed in Germany by Gert Wohlfarth GmbH.
This review was done independently of the editors and publisher. Radio Netherlands has no financial connection with either and provides the information above in good faith.
Ardic DX Club and Dxers Guide say thanks to RCI

Here our Ardic DX Club and Dxers Guide say thanks to RCI : The Maple Leaf Mailbag for add my Dxing photos in their site. The link is
Note: an introduction in tha site by Ian Jones.
Hi this is Ian Jones, the host of the Maple Leaf Mailbag and welcome to a brand new feature on the MLMB website. Every week we receive hundreds of pictures and postcards, letters, drawings, stamps and other paraphernalia from around the world !! We love getting these treasures and thought it would be a great idea to share them all with you! Inside the MLMB Scrapbook you'll discover more about the people who listen to RCI's programs, who they are, what they look like and what's it's like in their part of the world. So if you'd like to send me something you can either by e-mail to or by regular mail to the following address:
Maple Leaf Mailbag
Radio Canada International
P.O.Box 6000
Montreal, CANADA
H3C 3A8
If you want to add your photo, please send it to the above address.
The world's listening

MORE than 100,000 subscribers, 130 countries, two satellites, and `over 40 stations, one radio' as its ad says. WorldSpace, the $420-million satellite-based digital audio broadcaster, has come a long way since its launch. In the last year and more, the Nasdaq-listed company has stepped up its India activities in marketing, content and technology — more channels, greater local content, cheaper and better receivers, series of advertising moves and below-the-line marketing campaigns and so on. As a result, WorldSpace recently achieved the 100,000-subscriber milestone.
Andy Ras-Work, COO, who has been in India to kick-start special promotional activities, says the growth came mostly from India. Until December 20 this year, WorldSpace had more than 50,000 subscribers from nine cities, while the rest came from other markets in its coverage area including Europe, West Asia and South Africa.
He says it was possible because the festival period was synchronised with a series of marketing activities and special promotions the company conducted. "It was possible also because we have very good partnerships and distribution channels here. It requires a lot of activities to be put in place as we build this new category here."
Ras-Work, who is bullish on India, says the Indian customer is very amenable to this kind of service. "We are offering them phenomenal content on this platform uninterrupted (without commercials) and at the right kind of price points."
WorldSpace is present in nine cities — New Delhi, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and Kochi. "With that we can treat each local market with the level of focus that it needs," says the confident COO. WorldSpace ended the third quarter of 2005 with 75,071 subscribers, up 300 per cent from 18,725 subscribers that it had at the end of the third quarter of 2004.
In addition, in October alone, the company added over 12,000 new subscribers as part of its increased marketing efforts and holiday promotions.
"As we add cities to our market rollout in India, we are also focused on the quantity and the quality of our retail points of presence where our service is sold. We added more than 400 stores since July this year. Because the consumer electronics distribution in India is significantly more fragmented, we are approaching retail and distribution on a city-by-city basis. We complement these networks with our own Experience Stations," explains Ras-Work.
He said WorldSpace plans to dedicate significant resources to its current business strategy to support its marketing and outreach efforts, developing its product offerings in India through cost-effective partnerships and agreements and demonstrating the power of its business model.
The company recently completed its initial public offering in the US and mobilised close to $221 million. In addition to that, it issued XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc (another satellite-based audio broadcaster in the US) shares worth $25 million. In connection with this transaction, WorldSpace entered into a global satellite radio cooperation agreement with XM pursuant to which both entities agreed to cooperate on receiver technology, terrestrial repeater technology, OEM and third party distribution relationships, content opportunities and new applications and services. In addition, Gary Parsons, Chairman, XM, was elected to the WorldSpace board.
The company's CEO, Noah Samara, recently announced that in addition to the $200-million investment in India so far, WorldSpace will invest another $150 million in technology development and marketing in India. It recently tied up with Webel Mediatronics Ltd for modern broadcasting equipment including gap fillers and other accessories. "Some elements of manufacturing and development are also contemplated in this venture," says Ras-Work. Webel Mediatronics is an established company that builds infrastructure for government entities in India. "This is a partnership we are quite excited about."
Commenting on specific investment plans on technology, he says that after infrastructure and marketing, another key area of investment is technology. "We will continue to work with BPL here. Being a domestic player, BPL understands the market from the Indian perspective. We feel it's also important to invest in R&D here for the new generation of receivers, new functionalities of the receiver, to make it more affordable.
WorldSpace at present has two satellites to broadcast its audio content. It once planned to launch another satellite, but shelved it. "We currently have enough satellite capacity to cover some of the biggest markets. Given that, there is no real need for another satellite right away. Having said that, we have a third satellite that is currently on the ground that could potentially be used to augment new markets. We have judiciously decided to launch it only when we are ready to tackle the new markets."
On gaining a respectable share of the radio market in India, WorldSpace's COO says the company will continue offering the best content, doing so in a convenient fashion and making it available at a good price points and technology.
As Ras-Work explains, "We are a completely different category from FM. Our numbers are radically different in terms of expectations. As far as we are concerned, we are on track to achieve overall market penetration. Our share could be a mere fraction of what FM players could gain in the market, because ours is a niche product. It's not something that all Indians from all walks of life would be interested in buying."
However, WorldSpace plans to step into rural markets too. "With such a wide variety of channels and wide variety of languages, we are very positive about gaining good number of listeners there. There sure is a considerable size of people who can afford and appreciate our service."
It also plans to increase the points at which consumers can experience the WorldSpace service by ensuring its presence in malls, colleges, theatres, coffee shops and other places.
In India, WorldSpace offers 36 channels, including seven regional languages — Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Kannada. In addition to that, it also has a Gold package which offers five additional channels - Bloomberg (financial news), Fox News, Talk Sports (UK-based sports channel), Infusion (information) & BBC Global News. According to the company, the Gold package is targeted at expatriates in India. Subscription for the Silver package is Rs 1,800 a year (Rs 2,400 for two years). It recently launched spiritual/wellness channels — Moksha and The Art of Living with Sri Ravishankar.
In India, WorldSpace's advertising is handled by O&M. According to Ras-Work, during the third quarter of 2005, blended cost to the company per gross addition (per subscriber) was $407, compared with $128 during the third quarter of 2004. Blended CPGA includes subscriber acquisition costs and other marketing expenses such as advertising and point of sale materials.
Any plans to enter the FM business? No, he says emphatically. "This is a different business model altogether. We have decided to continue our efforts to offer excellent content from the consumer standpoint. We are quite content with the way our service is being accepted in the Indian market."
WORLDSPACE uses its two satellites - AfriStar and AsiaStar - launched in October 1998 and March 2000 respectively. The satellites are positioned in the geo-stationary orbit more than 35,000 km above the equator. Each satellite has three beams covering 14 million sq. km. each. Every beam can send up to 80 channels directly to portable satellite receivers on the ground. So these two satellites together can beam up to 480 channels.
WorldSpace receivers use a proprietary chipset designed to decode signals bounced earthwards by the satellites. Each satellite has fuel to perform for 15 years. After that they have to be replaced.
Dxers Guide-282
Dxers Guide-282
Weekly Media Scene in India.
Published by Ardic DX Club, India.
Why foreign players are keen on FM radio in India?
Despite a slow and bad start thanks to
enthusiasm-killing high licence fees during the first
round of bidding in 2000, the private FM radio segment
is finally hotting up.Two deals have taken place in
quick succession on the eve of the bidding for the
second phase of FM radio expansion. One - Radio Mid
Day - has found a suitor in BBC Worldwide which is
investing Rs 318.50 million. 04/01
NDTV consortium buys India Today out of FM
Aroon Purie-promoted Living Media Group has exited FM
radio business by divesting its entire holding in Red
FM to a group of investors that includes NDTV News,
promoted by Prannoy Roy. Other members of the
consortium buying Red FM, which is present in Delhi,
Mumbai and Kolkata, are Hyderabad-based Value Labs and
Malaysian broadcasting company Astro.
-Business Standard 04/01
BBC to invest Rs 31.8cr in Radio Mid Day
Mid-day Multimedia has signed an agreement with BBC
Worldwide Holdings BV to invest Rs 31.85 crore in the
equity shares of Radio Mid Day West (India).According
to a release issued by Mid-day to the BSE today,
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, who is a partner of Rare
Enterprises, has also entered into an agreement with
the company to invest Rs 10 crore in Radio Mid Day
West (India).
-Business Standard 04/01
FM phase II: govt. may collect Rs.1.35 bn in licence
The government is likely to collect Rs. 1.35 billion
as one-time entry fee for the licences for 338 FM
radio stations in 91 cities, the bidding for which
starts on 6 January 2006This is nearly half of the
total investment of Rs. 2.6 billion the phase II of FM
licensing will attract. Additionally, the government
may earn a revenue of over Rs. 500 million per year
through the four per cent revenue share scheme it
announced in July last year. 04/01
NRIs plan to launch multi-lingual TV channel
A group of non resident Indians (NRIs) are getting
together to float a multi-lingual entertainment
channel. The company, Manvik Vinjnan Communications
Ltd (MVCL), will be based out of Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala. "The promoters are NRIs based out of Singapore
and the Middle East," says the company's managing
director Rajesh Narayanan. The channel, Bhaarath TV,
will offer programmes in Malayalam, Hindi, English,
Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada. "We will be investing Rs
500 million towards the channel," says MVCL executive
director Rajan Mannaar. 04/01
Sound Perfect: 85 companies to bid for 337 FM Radio
With the I&B Ministry declaring the third and final
list of bidders for FM radio and reducing the total no
of FM stations up for bid by one, the list of
contenders for the Great Indian Radio Drama is
complete. There will be 85 companies bidding for 337
FM radio stations in 91 cities across the country. In
the first and second lists, the Ministry had notified
the name of 70 and 14 companies, respectively, who had
qualified for financial bidding. The Ministry has
notified the name of only one company, New Mount
Trading and Investment Company Ltd, in the third and
final list of eligible bidders. 05/01
Big investors may tune into FM radio
Sector set to get Rs 500 cr investments in 12-18
months. India’s private FM radio sector is expected to
get foreign investments of Rs 500 crore in the next 12
to 18 months. According to industry players, now
that the sector is open to foreign direct investment
and the government has moved from licence fees to a
revenue-share regime, the sector has become attractive
to investors.
-Business Standard 06/01
Cheer for listeners as FM radio bids open today
Good news for all you radio listeners in Delhi! The
D-Day for qualified FM radio bidders for the
frequencies in 13 A+ and A category cities. Financial
bids will be opened in New Delhi today to know which
bidder has won what among the 64 frequencies on offer
across Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Surat, Pune, Nagpur, Jaipur,
Lucknow and Kanpur. Which means that you could very
soon have your own favourite local-local station to
tune into like every other major city in the world!
-The Times of India 06/01
First campus radio in Kerala
The first private FM (frequency modulated) community
radio station in the State was launched at a function
at Vyloppilly Samskrithi Bhavan. Radio DC FM 90.4 will
broadcast from the media school run by D.C.
Kizhekkkemuri Foundation at the Kinfra Film and Video
Park at Kazhakoottam.
-The Hindu 07/01
Stay with HT on FM now
Nearly 58 radio stations spread across 13 cities --
including the four metros and boomtowns like Bangalore
and Hyderabad -- saw a horde of bidders vying to bag
the rights.Twenty-five companies, led by the likes of
HT Music, Adlabs, Radio City and Radio Today, won
stations by forking out Rs 568 crore for 53
frequencies. HT Music won frequencies in Mumbai,
Delhi, Kolkata and Bangalore.
-Hindustan Times 07/01
BBC arm wins seven FM radio licences in India
BBC WORLDWIDE, the broadcaster’s commercial arm,
acquired FM radio licences covering seven of India’s
biggest cities yesterday in the unit’s first move into
overseas markets. BBC and its local partner, Mid-Day
Multimedia, won licences to operate FM radio services
in Bombay, Delhi, Bangalore, Madras, Calcutta,
Ahmedabad and Pune. The successful bids came just days
after the BBC announced that it had bought a 20 per
cent stake in Radio Mid-Day West, a subsidiary of
Mid-Day Multimedia, the Bombay-listed media group. 07/01
BBC, Murdoch queue up for Radio India
Indian radio, the country's last mass medium to be
freed for private participation, is set to draw
investments of $581 million in a second round of
expansion from companies including the British
Broadcasting Corp. For long the government's preferred
means for publicizing messages on family planning,
gender equality and farming practices, radio is
becoming the conduit for selling products from mutual
fund subscriptions to luxury apartments as stations
turn to music and entertainment to attract audiences.
-The Financial Express 06/01
7 firms get FM licences for B'lore
In the near future, Bangaloreans will get to tune into
a lot more music and of course much much more of the
never-ending chatter of radio jockeys. Even as
Bangalore roads get clogged with endless traffic jams,
one will at least be able to tune into a variety of FM
stations as seven more stations will try to grab your
attention. Radio Indigo (of Rajeev Chandrasekhar),
Radio Mirchi, Radio Mid-Day, Adlabs, HT Music, Kal
Radio are among the firms which have made successful
bids to operate these services in the city.
-Business Standard 07/01
India Today group bids for 9 FM radio stations
The India Today group, which is participating in the
second phase of private FM radio licensing, today said
it has bid for licences in nine cities including Delhi
and Mumbai. The group, which early this month sold its
FM radio business to a consortium of NDTV, Malaysias
Astro and Hyderabad-based Value Lab said that it was
hopeful of prospects in this round.
-The Hindu 07/01
FM Phase II expansion:
HT Music saved Rs 154 cr in Mumbai due to revenue
sharing regime With the first round of bidding for
Phase II expansion of FM Radio for Category A+ and A
cities out in the open, some interesting calculations
reveal that HT Music, the highest bidder amongst A+
category cities, might just have saved a whopping Rs
154 cr as compared to the highest bidder in Phase I,
thanks to the new government policy of migrating to
the revenue sharing regime from the erstwhile licence
fee regime. Under the new revenue sharing regime, the
permission holder will have to pay an annual fee to
the government at the rate of 4 per cent of gross
revenue for each year or at the rate of 10 per cent of
the Reserve One Time Entry Fee (OTEF) limit for the
concerned city, whichever is higher.
-Exchange4media 09/01
India to launch satellite for multimedia broadcasts
India announced plans to launch by 2008 a satellite
capable of offering multimedia broadcasts to mobile
phones and audio-video receivers fitted in vehicles.
The project to design, develop and launch
GSAT-6/INSAT-4E, a multimedia mobile satellite system,
at an estimated cost of Rs.2.69 billion ($58.5
million) was cleared by a meeting of the cabinet
chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. 09/01
Compiled by
President of Ardic Dx Club
Address for Communication:
No: 3, First Floor,
21, Nathens Arcade,
Malaviya Avenue,
L.B Road, chennai-600041,
Tamil Nadu,
Mobile: +91 98413 66086
Weekly Media Scene in India.
Published by Ardic DX Club, India.
Why foreign players are keen on FM radio in India?
Despite a slow and bad start thanks to
enthusiasm-killing high licence fees during the first
round of bidding in 2000, the private FM radio segment
is finally hotting up.Two deals have taken place in
quick succession on the eve of the bidding for the
second phase of FM radio expansion. One - Radio Mid
Day - has found a suitor in BBC Worldwide which is
investing Rs 318.50 million. 04/01
NDTV consortium buys India Today out of FM
Aroon Purie-promoted Living Media Group has exited FM
radio business by divesting its entire holding in Red
FM to a group of investors that includes NDTV News,
promoted by Prannoy Roy. Other members of the
consortium buying Red FM, which is present in Delhi,
Mumbai and Kolkata, are Hyderabad-based Value Labs and
Malaysian broadcasting company Astro.
-Business Standard 04/01
BBC to invest Rs 31.8cr in Radio Mid Day
Mid-day Multimedia has signed an agreement with BBC
Worldwide Holdings BV to invest Rs 31.85 crore in the
equity shares of Radio Mid Day West (India).According
to a release issued by Mid-day to the BSE today,
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala, who is a partner of Rare
Enterprises, has also entered into an agreement with
the company to invest Rs 10 crore in Radio Mid Day
West (India).
-Business Standard 04/01
FM phase II: govt. may collect Rs.1.35 bn in licence
The government is likely to collect Rs. 1.35 billion
as one-time entry fee for the licences for 338 FM
radio stations in 91 cities, the bidding for which
starts on 6 January 2006This is nearly half of the
total investment of Rs. 2.6 billion the phase II of FM
licensing will attract. Additionally, the government
may earn a revenue of over Rs. 500 million per year
through the four per cent revenue share scheme it
announced in July last year. 04/01
NRIs plan to launch multi-lingual TV channel
A group of non resident Indians (NRIs) are getting
together to float a multi-lingual entertainment
channel. The company, Manvik Vinjnan Communications
Ltd (MVCL), will be based out of Thiruvananthapuram,
Kerala. "The promoters are NRIs based out of Singapore
and the Middle East," says the company's managing
director Rajesh Narayanan. The channel, Bhaarath TV,
will offer programmes in Malayalam, Hindi, English,
Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada. "We will be investing Rs
500 million towards the channel," says MVCL executive
director Rajan Mannaar. 04/01
Sound Perfect: 85 companies to bid for 337 FM Radio
With the I&B Ministry declaring the third and final
list of bidders for FM radio and reducing the total no
of FM stations up for bid by one, the list of
contenders for the Great Indian Radio Drama is
complete. There will be 85 companies bidding for 337
FM radio stations in 91 cities across the country. In
the first and second lists, the Ministry had notified
the name of 70 and 14 companies, respectively, who had
qualified for financial bidding. The Ministry has
notified the name of only one company, New Mount
Trading and Investment Company Ltd, in the third and
final list of eligible bidders. 05/01
Big investors may tune into FM radio
Sector set to get Rs 500 cr investments in 12-18
months. India’s private FM radio sector is expected to
get foreign investments of Rs 500 crore in the next 12
to 18 months. According to industry players, now
that the sector is open to foreign direct investment
and the government has moved from licence fees to a
revenue-share regime, the sector has become attractive
to investors.
-Business Standard 06/01
Cheer for listeners as FM radio bids open today
Good news for all you radio listeners in Delhi! The
D-Day for qualified FM radio bidders for the
frequencies in 13 A+ and A category cities. Financial
bids will be opened in New Delhi today to know which
bidder has won what among the 64 frequencies on offer
across Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Surat, Pune, Nagpur, Jaipur,
Lucknow and Kanpur. Which means that you could very
soon have your own favourite local-local station to
tune into like every other major city in the world!
-The Times of India 06/01
First campus radio in Kerala
The first private FM (frequency modulated) community
radio station in the State was launched at a function
at Vyloppilly Samskrithi Bhavan. Radio DC FM 90.4 will
broadcast from the media school run by D.C.
Kizhekkkemuri Foundation at the Kinfra Film and Video
Park at Kazhakoottam.
-The Hindu 07/01
Stay with HT on FM now
Nearly 58 radio stations spread across 13 cities --
including the four metros and boomtowns like Bangalore
and Hyderabad -- saw a horde of bidders vying to bag
the rights.Twenty-five companies, led by the likes of
HT Music, Adlabs, Radio City and Radio Today, won
stations by forking out Rs 568 crore for 53
frequencies. HT Music won frequencies in Mumbai,
Delhi, Kolkata and Bangalore.
-Hindustan Times 07/01
BBC arm wins seven FM radio licences in India
BBC WORLDWIDE, the broadcaster’s commercial arm,
acquired FM radio licences covering seven of India’s
biggest cities yesterday in the unit’s first move into
overseas markets. BBC and its local partner, Mid-Day
Multimedia, won licences to operate FM radio services
in Bombay, Delhi, Bangalore, Madras, Calcutta,
Ahmedabad and Pune. The successful bids came just days
after the BBC announced that it had bought a 20 per
cent stake in Radio Mid-Day West, a subsidiary of
Mid-Day Multimedia, the Bombay-listed media group. 07/01
BBC, Murdoch queue up for Radio India
Indian radio, the country's last mass medium to be
freed for private participation, is set to draw
investments of $581 million in a second round of
expansion from companies including the British
Broadcasting Corp. For long the government's preferred
means for publicizing messages on family planning,
gender equality and farming practices, radio is
becoming the conduit for selling products from mutual
fund subscriptions to luxury apartments as stations
turn to music and entertainment to attract audiences.
-The Financial Express 06/01
7 firms get FM licences for B'lore
In the near future, Bangaloreans will get to tune into
a lot more music and of course much much more of the
never-ending chatter of radio jockeys. Even as
Bangalore roads get clogged with endless traffic jams,
one will at least be able to tune into a variety of FM
stations as seven more stations will try to grab your
attention. Radio Indigo (of Rajeev Chandrasekhar),
Radio Mirchi, Radio Mid-Day, Adlabs, HT Music, Kal
Radio are among the firms which have made successful
bids to operate these services in the city.
-Business Standard 07/01
India Today group bids for 9 FM radio stations
The India Today group, which is participating in the
second phase of private FM radio licensing, today said
it has bid for licences in nine cities including Delhi
and Mumbai. The group, which early this month sold its
FM radio business to a consortium of NDTV, Malaysias
Astro and Hyderabad-based Value Lab said that it was
hopeful of prospects in this round.
-The Hindu 07/01
FM Phase II expansion:
HT Music saved Rs 154 cr in Mumbai due to revenue
sharing regime With the first round of bidding for
Phase II expansion of FM Radio for Category A+ and A
cities out in the open, some interesting calculations
reveal that HT Music, the highest bidder amongst A+
category cities, might just have saved a whopping Rs
154 cr as compared to the highest bidder in Phase I,
thanks to the new government policy of migrating to
the revenue sharing regime from the erstwhile licence
fee regime. Under the new revenue sharing regime, the
permission holder will have to pay an annual fee to
the government at the rate of 4 per cent of gross
revenue for each year or at the rate of 10 per cent of
the Reserve One Time Entry Fee (OTEF) limit for the
concerned city, whichever is higher.
-Exchange4media 09/01
India to launch satellite for multimedia broadcasts
India announced plans to launch by 2008 a satellite
capable of offering multimedia broadcasts to mobile
phones and audio-video receivers fitted in vehicles.
The project to design, develop and launch
GSAT-6/INSAT-4E, a multimedia mobile satellite system,
at an estimated cost of Rs.2.69 billion ($58.5
million) was cleared by a meeting of the cabinet
chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. 09/01
Compiled by
President of Ardic Dx Club
Address for Communication:
No: 3, First Floor,
21, Nathens Arcade,
Malaviya Avenue,
L.B Road, chennai-600041,
Tamil Nadu,
Mobile: +91 98413 66086
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
AIR Tamil Stations Addresses
AIR, 7, Kamrajar Salai, Mylapore,
Tamil Nadu-600 004
STD Code: 044 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 24985975
Program Head: 24984060, 24901698
Control Room: 24984789
News Incharge: 24984358
Duty Room:
HPT, AIR(Avadi), S.M.Nagar
Tamil Nadu-600 002
STD Code: 044 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 226383204, 26383895
Program Head: -
Control Room: -
News Incharge: -
Duty Room:
AIR, 7, Kamarajar Salai, Mylapore
Tamil Nadu-600 004
STD Code: 044 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 24981668
Program Head: 24984060
Control Room: 24984789
News Incharge: -
Duty Room:
AIR & TV, Swami Sivananda Salai
Tamil Nadu-600 005
STD Code: 044 e-mail:,
CE(SZ): 25383173
CE(M): 25381358
Control Room: 24984789
News Incharge: -
Duty Room:
AIR, Coimbatore
Pin no - 641 045
STD Code: 0422 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2313110
Program Head: 2314515
Control Room: 2316314
News Incharge:
Duty Room: 2315137
AIR, Anandagiri
Tamil Nadu -624 102
STD Code: 04542 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 245208
Program Head: 243443
Control Room/X'mtr: 242412/241360
News Incharge: -
Duty Room: -
AIR, P.B.No:49,lady Doak College Road,
chokkikulum, Madurai
Tamilnadu-625 002
STD Code: 0452 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2530788
Program Head: 2531366
Control Room: 2530372
Duty Room: 2530410
AIR, Konam
Tamil Nadu- 629 004
STD Code: 04652 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 260022
Program Head: 260242
Control Room: 260241
Duty Room: 260242
AIR, Ooty,
STD Code: 0423 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 2441783
Program Head: 2443542, 2441783
Control Room: 2441781
AIR, Ooty,
STD Code: 0423 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 2441783
Program Head: 2443542, 2441783
Control Room: 2441781
AIR,Sarojini park,
Tamil Nadu-627 002
STD Code: 0462 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2560997
Program Head: 2561139
Control Room: 2573132
AIR,Millerpuram, palayamkottai Road
Tamil Nadu-628 008
STD Code: 0461 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2310054
Program Head: 2310027
Control Room/X'mtr: 2310653, 2310153
AIR, Indira Nagar,
Tamil Nadu -605 006
STD Code: 0413 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 2272533
Program Head: 2275080, 2275731
Control Room: 2272618
AIR,Radio Avenue, Nehru Nagar
Tamil Nadu-609 605
STD Code: 04368 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 230383
Program Head: 230080
Control Room: 222288
News Incharge: -
Duty Room: -
Tamil Nadu-600 004
STD Code: 044 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 24985975
Program Head: 24984060, 24901698
Control Room: 24984789
News Incharge: 24984358
Duty Room:
HPT, AIR(Avadi), S.M.Nagar
Tamil Nadu-600 002
STD Code: 044 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 226383204, 26383895
Program Head: -
Control Room: -
News Incharge: -
Duty Room:
AIR, 7, Kamarajar Salai, Mylapore
Tamil Nadu-600 004
STD Code: 044 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 24981668
Program Head: 24984060
Control Room: 24984789
News Incharge: -
Duty Room:
AIR & TV, Swami Sivananda Salai
Tamil Nadu-600 005
STD Code: 044 e-mail:,
CE(SZ): 25383173
CE(M): 25381358
Control Room: 24984789
News Incharge: -
Duty Room:
AIR, Coimbatore
Pin no - 641 045
STD Code: 0422 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2313110
Program Head: 2314515
Control Room: 2316314
News Incharge:
Duty Room: 2315137
AIR, Anandagiri
Tamil Nadu -624 102
STD Code: 04542 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 245208
Program Head: 243443
Control Room/X'mtr: 242412/241360
News Incharge: -
Duty Room: -
AIR, P.B.No:49,lady Doak College Road,
chokkikulum, Madurai
Tamilnadu-625 002
STD Code: 0452 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2530788
Program Head: 2531366
Control Room: 2530372
Duty Room: 2530410
AIR, Konam
Tamil Nadu- 629 004
STD Code: 04652 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 260022
Program Head: 260242
Control Room: 260241
Duty Room: 260242
AIR, Ooty,
STD Code: 0423 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 2441783
Program Head: 2443542, 2441783
Control Room: 2441781
AIR, Ooty,
STD Code: 0423 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 2441783
Program Head: 2443542, 2441783
Control Room: 2441781
AIR,Sarojini park,
Tamil Nadu-627 002
STD Code: 0462 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2560997
Program Head: 2561139
Control Room: 2573132
AIR,Millerpuram, palayamkottai Road
Tamil Nadu-628 008
STD Code: 0461 e-mail:,
Engineering Head: 2310054
Program Head: 2310027
Control Room/X'mtr: 2310653, 2310153
AIR, Indira Nagar,
Tamil Nadu -605 006
STD Code: 0413 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 2272533
Program Head: 2275080, 2275731
Control Room: 2272618
AIR,Radio Avenue, Nehru Nagar
Tamil Nadu-609 605
STD Code: 04368 e-mail:
Engineering Head: 230383
Program Head: 230080
Control Room: 222288
News Incharge: -
Duty Room: -
HCJB World Radio Celebrates 75th Anniversary in 2006
HCJB World Radio Celebrates 75th Anniversary in 2006
Pioneer missionary radio broadcaster HCJB World Radio will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2006, holding a variety of activities throughout the year to commemorate its initial broadcast from Quito, Ecuador, on Christmas Day, 1931.
HCJB World Radio President Dave Johnson will launch the year of special
events with a program in Colorado Springs, Colo., at 10 a.m. (MST)
Wednesday, Jan. 11, in combination with the mission's monthly day of
"To me this anniversary is a wonderful milestone of reflecting on God's
faithfulness and a legacy of a number of generations that have been
faithful in impacting the world through radio in so many languages," he
said. "We can be absolutely confident that God wants to continue using us
in the future. The key is realizing that all that has been accomplished
has been done in the power of Christ-working through people.
"When you look at the history of HCJB World Radio, people have always
been willing to take a risk to do what God is calling them to do,"
Johnson explained. "We've never been in 'maintenance mode,' whether it's
establishing a hydroelectric plant in Ecuador, putting up huge
transmitters and antennas, building clinics and hospitals, or setting the 'World
by 2000' challenge, working with other broadcasters to make Christian
radio programs available in all of the world's major languages. All of
these things caused people to start asking questions, pushing us beyond
our resources. But when we look back, these are the stories we like to
tell because God worked in incredible ways!"
The theme for the anniversary year is, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," and
the key verse is Isaiah 26:12, "Lord . . . all that we have
accomplished you have done for us."
On Sunday, Jan. 1, HCJB World Radio launched its 75th anniversary
website in English ( while a Spanish site
( will begin at a later date.
Public events planned for Ecuador include the Quito Day concerts Dec.
1-3, an open house and sharathon Dec. 7-9 and a special Spanish service
at 4 p.m. Dec. 25 (EST), the time of the first actual broadcast on
Radio Station HCJB. A series of events for donors will also be held across
the U.S. at cities and dates to be announced.
Events for the staff include the annual HCJB World Radio Prayer Retreat
on May 3 and "Forever Family" reunions for all former HCJB World Radio
staff members in Colorado Springs May 9-13 and Quito Sept. 8-18.
Special receptions are also planned for staff members and government
dignitaries in Quito in December.
A 75th anniversary book will be released in September, highlighting not
only the history of HCJB World Radio, but today's ministries and the
future vision. It will be a hard-cover, 9-by-12-inch, 96-page full-color
book with many high-quality photos. A Vision Video in both Spanish and
English will also be available to celebrate the vision through the
mission's various presidents, past and present.
How will the next 75 years look different than the past 75 years at
HCJB World Radio? "What began with co-founder Clarence Jones playing
'Great Is Thy Faithfulness' on his trombone to a handful of radio receivers
in Quito on Dec. 25, 1931, has led to focusing on discipling local
believers and training them in mass media and healthcare around the world,"
explained 75th Anniversary Coordinator Cheri Birkey.
"In the last 75 years the mission has developed a unique mix of radio
and healthcare ministries, working together to reach all nations for
Christ. In order to enhance these ministries, we want to integrate
passionate discipleship and practical tools so that national believers are
trained and equipped to complete the Great Commission. What began in Latin
America has expanded to other parts of the world. Lord willing, we will
continue partnering with local believers and equipping them to do what
we've been doing for 75 years-reaching people for Christ through mass
media and healthcare."
Together with local partners, HCJB World Radio now has ministries in
more than 200 cities in more than 100 countries with Christian broadcasts
in more than 120 languages and dialects. Thousands of healthcare
patients are also meeting Jesus. Believers are being trained as missionaries,
pastors, broadcasters and healthcare providers. HCJB World Radio's
desire is to integrate discipleship with practical tools to equip the
growing church around the world and see lives transformed.
"What we are as a mission today is directly related to our past,"
Birkey adds. "The 75th anniversary is the perfect opportunity to celebrate
God's faithfulness. Throughout the Old Testament the Israelites were
encouraged to remember God's goodness. We hope not only to remember what
God has done in the past through HCJB World Radio, but to celebrate what
He is doing today and the mission's vision for the future."
Last Updated ( Saturday, 31 December 2005 )
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India.
Pioneer missionary radio broadcaster HCJB World Radio will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2006, holding a variety of activities throughout the year to commemorate its initial broadcast from Quito, Ecuador, on Christmas Day, 1931.
HCJB World Radio President Dave Johnson will launch the year of special
events with a program in Colorado Springs, Colo., at 10 a.m. (MST)
Wednesday, Jan. 11, in combination with the mission's monthly day of
"To me this anniversary is a wonderful milestone of reflecting on God's
faithfulness and a legacy of a number of generations that have been
faithful in impacting the world through radio in so many languages," he
said. "We can be absolutely confident that God wants to continue using us
in the future. The key is realizing that all that has been accomplished
has been done in the power of Christ-working through people.
"When you look at the history of HCJB World Radio, people have always
been willing to take a risk to do what God is calling them to do,"
Johnson explained. "We've never been in 'maintenance mode,' whether it's
establishing a hydroelectric plant in Ecuador, putting up huge
transmitters and antennas, building clinics and hospitals, or setting the 'World
by 2000' challenge, working with other broadcasters to make Christian
radio programs available in all of the world's major languages. All of
these things caused people to start asking questions, pushing us beyond
our resources. But when we look back, these are the stories we like to
tell because God worked in incredible ways!"
The theme for the anniversary year is, "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," and
the key verse is Isaiah 26:12, "Lord . . . all that we have
accomplished you have done for us."
On Sunday, Jan. 1, HCJB World Radio launched its 75th anniversary
website in English ( while a Spanish site
( will begin at a later date.
Public events planned for Ecuador include the Quito Day concerts Dec.
1-3, an open house and sharathon Dec. 7-9 and a special Spanish service
at 4 p.m. Dec. 25 (EST), the time of the first actual broadcast on
Radio Station HCJB. A series of events for donors will also be held across
the U.S. at cities and dates to be announced.
Events for the staff include the annual HCJB World Radio Prayer Retreat
on May 3 and "Forever Family" reunions for all former HCJB World Radio
staff members in Colorado Springs May 9-13 and Quito Sept. 8-18.
Special receptions are also planned for staff members and government
dignitaries in Quito in December.
A 75th anniversary book will be released in September, highlighting not
only the history of HCJB World Radio, but today's ministries and the
future vision. It will be a hard-cover, 9-by-12-inch, 96-page full-color
book with many high-quality photos. A Vision Video in both Spanish and
English will also be available to celebrate the vision through the
mission's various presidents, past and present.
How will the next 75 years look different than the past 75 years at
HCJB World Radio? "What began with co-founder Clarence Jones playing
'Great Is Thy Faithfulness' on his trombone to a handful of radio receivers
in Quito on Dec. 25, 1931, has led to focusing on discipling local
believers and training them in mass media and healthcare around the world,"
explained 75th Anniversary Coordinator Cheri Birkey.
"In the last 75 years the mission has developed a unique mix of radio
and healthcare ministries, working together to reach all nations for
Christ. In order to enhance these ministries, we want to integrate
passionate discipleship and practical tools so that national believers are
trained and equipped to complete the Great Commission. What began in Latin
America has expanded to other parts of the world. Lord willing, we will
continue partnering with local believers and equipping them to do what
we've been doing for 75 years-reaching people for Christ through mass
media and healthcare."
Together with local partners, HCJB World Radio now has ministries in
more than 200 cities in more than 100 countries with Christian broadcasts
in more than 120 languages and dialects. Thousands of healthcare
patients are also meeting Jesus. Believers are being trained as missionaries,
pastors, broadcasters and healthcare providers. HCJB World Radio's
desire is to integrate discipleship with practical tools to equip the
growing church around the world and see lives transformed.
"What we are as a mission today is directly related to our past,"
Birkey adds. "The 75th anniversary is the perfect opportunity to celebrate
God's faithfulness. Throughout the Old Testament the Israelites were
encouraged to remember God's goodness. We hope not only to remember what
God has done in the past through HCJB World Radio, but to celebrate what
He is doing today and the mission's vision for the future."
Last Updated ( Saturday, 31 December 2005 )
Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India.
RADIO HABANA CUBA invites you to participate in the AMECA contest
The Caribbean Medical Association (AMECA) has created the 120 Year Old Club to bring together all those who have decided to live their lives to the fullest. Along with Radio Havana Cuba, Cubana de Aviacion and the National Hotel, the Association invites you to participate in the following contest.
What recommendations in today's life-style do you propose to improve the quality of life in longevity?
Fist prize will be a free trip to Cuba to participate in the Eleventh AMECA Congress in April 2006. A further 10 runners up will receive gifts from the sponsors of the contest.
All responses must be received by the closing date of March 31, 2006.
Please send all correspondence to:
Apartado Postal 6240
La Habana
Or Fax: (537) 8705810
Or E-mail:
For more information on the congreso contact:
Calle 18 # 710,
entre 7ª y 29 A,
La Habana,
Fax (53-7) 66-2075
Tel (53-7) 2051575, 2023636
What recommendations in today's life-style do you propose to improve the quality of life in longevity?
Fist prize will be a free trip to Cuba to participate in the Eleventh AMECA Congress in April 2006. A further 10 runners up will receive gifts from the sponsors of the contest.
All responses must be received by the closing date of March 31, 2006.
Please send all correspondence to:
Apartado Postal 6240
La Habana
Or Fax: (537) 8705810
Or E-mail:
For more information on the congreso contact:
Calle 18 # 710,
entre 7ª y 29 A,
La Habana,
Fax (53-7) 66-2075
Tel (53-7) 2051575, 2023636
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
79 and still making waves: AIR Chennai.
All India Radio, Chennai is turning 79 this July.GEETA PADMANABHAN talks about how it has reached out to scores of people, bringing them hours of listening pleasure through its varied programmes.
THE YEAR 1987. The height of the IPKF operations in Sri Lanka. In his hastily made bunker, an Indian soldier clings to his pocket transistor for consolation. "Food and water are luxuries here," he wrote to Shanthi Tanikachalam whose voice has launched
a million radio listeners, "but your five-minute news broadcast helps me keep in touch with the world."
"AIR has been my constant companion for the past 20 years," says an 80-year-old former A-Grade artiste. "I switch on Madras A at 7a.m. for general information.
Then on, it is music, news, concerts, plays... My set goes off air only when I am in bed." She would like the Sanskrit slot on Monday afternoons to be extended.
"FM 1's Western music is really cool," smiles Annapurna, about to enter college. "My friends and I are 7 to 11 p.m. addicts." She remembers a blind classmate being very well-informed because of the time he spent listening to AIR. To scores of pushcart
vendors, wayside mechanics, presswallas, cobblers,construction workers, car radio owners, travellers and those who tune in for weather reports, employment news, blood group appeals and missing persons info, the news that AIR is 79 (July 23, 1927 to 2006) comes as a surprise.
"Only 79?" asks a watchman shouting above the film music blaring from his Philips set. "I thought AIR came with the British." Indeed. From air time on a 40 KW assembled Tx (later a Marconi 200 Tx set) heard by a wonderstruck populace on July 31, 1924, to the high-tech transmission through a computer hard disc,the sound waves of Chennai have travelled far into history.
Rao Bahadur C.V. Krishnaswami Chetty, an electrical engineer with the Madras Corporation , DJ and amateur radio enthusiast, organised the Madras Presidency
Radio Club (MPRC), and with help from friends ushered in broadcasting in India precisely two years after the Marconi Co. went on air in England in 1922. The Indian
Broadcasting Company was given broadcasting responsibility and Lord Irwin inaugurated the first radio station in Bombay on July 23, 1927.
In October, the MPRC folded signalling the end of amateur broadcasting. The Tx was gifted to the Corporation of Madras and after two-and-a-half-years of paper pushing, Chennai again made history by airing the first municipal radio broadcasts in the country on April 1, 1930. When it comes to broadcasting, Chennai certainly can give itself airs! The Corporation Radio and later AIR saw broadcasting as a public service. Good music for the public, talks for corporation school students and health programmes were the initial objectives. Rural sanitation, agricultural yield,bee-keeping, women's co-operatives, eradication of untouchability... AIR Chennai (AIRC) has promoted them all.
Rajaji wanted broadcasts in parks as a means to enforce prohibition. Members of `Vadya Vrinda',perhaps AIRC's oldest programme extant, are proud of their heritage. "It is an Indian blend of Hindustani and Carnatic music set to Western rchestration," say the artistes. This ensemble of fine players presents "thematic music where a composer's creativity meets a player's prowess. In concert with the Delhi group, we
have performed at the Mughal Gardens, to foreign delegates, at the Sangeet Natak Academy and played a special composition by Lalgudi Jayaraman for the Millennium Show."
"No other institution does so much to preserve and spread our culture as AIR," they insist. Its archival section is legendary. "Musicians are recognised by the grade AIR awards when they go for public performances. Performing on AIR is a matter of prestige." "For a genuine singer devoted to nurturing art, AIR affords the best forum," says Sita Rajan, who first stepped into the studio in 1958. She compered Radio Anna's (Ra. Ayyasami) Muthukuviyal, took part in G.Karthikeyan's Siruvar Kalai Poonga, M.Y Kama Sastri's recordings of children's songs and Keevalur Subramanya
Pillai's Isaipayirchi. "I always had a part in the Children's Programme AIR organised on November 14 at the Children's Theatre." Her love affair with AIR
continued in college when she lent her voice to radio plays. In 1967, she became a bona fide performer after winning a vocal contest. Grade A came in 1977, and she
has been featured on musicology programmes such as Padalum Porulum and Surabhi. "We artistes believed in AIR's sense of fair play .We had regular contracts and
were recommended for Sangeeth Sammelans. Many performers began their careers here."
The AIRC's pioneering spirit echoes in its state-of-the-art equipment. Its techno-savvy control room would have won a nod from CVK Chetty. Recordings feed directly into the hard disk and can be broadcast repeatedly on all its five channels without
trading-off quality. "We made the software for this," beams Senthur Pandian in charge of the room. "It is advanced and allows no speed variation. Even our portable system is computerised." He recalls how a motor snagged while taping a PM's public speech, and how he simply trailed the tape on the ground and got
the recording going. "No more such problems," he says. You can phone in to book your favourite film/album number on the Dial Radio-on-Demand service of AIR. A friendly voice will tell you when it will be played. If you are news hungry, press 467 1111 on your hand-held and get the latest read out to you in Tamil.
"We had 700 to 800 calls an hour for election results from all over the world," says a newscaster of this computerised service. "People in the Gulf can already listen to Chennai A on TV," says Superintendent Engineer J. Venkatraman, giving a demo of this digital sky radio link via satellite. "Your cable TV operator can download the station and beam it to you." How does AIR gauge its popularity? "Through interaction with listeners for one," says Deputy Director General, B.R. Kumar. "In May, our mail box received nearly 13,000 letters. Our FM programmes (film music/talkshow/phone-in) are a rage. There has been a 20 per cent growth in our ad revenues and AIRC exceeded the target for 2001. The total annual earning from sponsored slots has touched Rs. two crores. In the suburbs, you'll hear AIR broadcasts in every street in the afternoons. People listen to the radio commentary while watching cricket matches in the stadium.
"We know people are listening when we make a mistake. A music aficionado called in from Besant Nagar to complain that an Uthukkadu Venkatasubbaiar song was attributed to someone else even before the programme got over."
"No other station has eight daily hours of interactive programmes," says Kamalakkannan of the hugely popular Thiraimalai. Call us at 498 3830 and 498 5725 to rap with your favourite stars on our chat show."
"BBC, HBO, Sony, 10 Sports, all advertise on radio," says Srinivasa Raghavan, who heads the Vividh Bharati section. "Star Vijay and KTV did a month-long campaign
on AIR before their launch. Private channels advertise their popular programmes on AIR. Apollo Hospitals give health tips to listeners twice a week. These people
will not pay for broadcasting time unless they are sure of its reach."
"We bring you details of State Government schemes along with ads from undertakings like the Power Finance Corporation," adds Kumar.
"An advertiser can zoom in on a limited audience through our district level radio stations. Our ads are clean and without gender bias. AIR news is authentic,
balanced and devoid of shrill overtones. It is a tradition we are proud of."
But veteran listeners worry over AIRC allowing ads on all its channels, and veteran artistes mourn the diminishing opportunities to perform.
"Prasar Bharathi has slashed fund allotment by 50 per cent," says R. alasubramanyam, Deputy Director,Co-ordination. "We have to earn, grow and pay artistes better compensation. Which other medium finds a slot for Gandhi Anjali? Our sponsor time is negligible. As for the artistes we are under no obligation unless they are on the staff."
A study on FM channels (under K. K. Sundaram, Deputy Director, Audience Research Cell), done between October 2001 and January 2002, shows their increasing
popularity. But this is a film-based reality. Can AIRC go back to being a truly public service?
A panel of 20 eminent people has recommended younger programmers, cross-media publicity, information from the Internet, storytelling (folklore, sci-fi),interviews with visiting experts in all fields, reports on outdoor occurrences, inviting ordinary people to write for productions and airing stage plays among other things to mark up AIR schedules. AIRC, no doubt, is listening.
AIR Chennai Broadcast timings in Short Wave:
4920 KHz 50 kw 0015-0245 utc, 1200-1736 utc
7160 KHz 50 kw 0300-0400[Hol 0445/Sun 0530],
0710 [Hol 0610, Sat/Sun 0630]-0930 [Sun 1130]
7270 KHz 100 kw 0025-0430, 0700-1330, 1430
AIR Chennai Broadcast in Medium Wave:
720 KHz Chennai A 200 kw
783 KHz Chennai C 20 kw
1017 KHz Chennai B 20 kw
AIR Chennai Broadcast in FM:
105.0 MHz FM Gold 5 Kw
107.1 MHz FM Rainbow 10 Kw
For Contact AIR Chennai:
All India Radio,
Kamarajar Raod,
Phone: +91 44 2498 5252,
Fax: +91 44 2638 3204,
Transmitter site address:
All India Radio,
High Power Transmitter Site,
Chennai-600 062,
Tamil Nadu,
Tel/Fax: +91 44 2638 3204,
Photo Note:
East Nook — The building where the studios of AIR
Madras were originally located from June 1938 to July
1953 when AIR Madras' own studios were built in
Mylapore overlooking the sea. The East Nook no longer
exists. A multi-storeyed cement concrete structure has
come up there. — A file photo from The Hindu.
Compiled with the help of The Hindu by.
Jaisakthivel.T, Editor, Dxers Guide,
President of Ardic Dx Club,
Address for Communication:
No: 3, First Floor,
21, Nathens Arcade,
Malaviya Avenue,
L.B Road, Chennai-600041,
Tamil Nadu,
THE YEAR 1987. The height of the IPKF operations in Sri Lanka. In his hastily made bunker, an Indian soldier clings to his pocket transistor for consolation. "Food and water are luxuries here," he wrote to Shanthi Tanikachalam whose voice has launched
a million radio listeners, "but your five-minute news broadcast helps me keep in touch with the world."
"AIR has been my constant companion for the past 20 years," says an 80-year-old former A-Grade artiste. "I switch on Madras A at 7a.m. for general information.
Then on, it is music, news, concerts, plays... My set goes off air only when I am in bed." She would like the Sanskrit slot on Monday afternoons to be extended.
"FM 1's Western music is really cool," smiles Annapurna, about to enter college. "My friends and I are 7 to 11 p.m. addicts." She remembers a blind classmate being very well-informed because of the time he spent listening to AIR. To scores of pushcart
vendors, wayside mechanics, presswallas, cobblers,construction workers, car radio owners, travellers and those who tune in for weather reports, employment news, blood group appeals and missing persons info, the news that AIR is 79 (July 23, 1927 to 2006) comes as a surprise.
"Only 79?" asks a watchman shouting above the film music blaring from his Philips set. "I thought AIR came with the British." Indeed. From air time on a 40 KW assembled Tx (later a Marconi 200 Tx set) heard by a wonderstruck populace on July 31, 1924, to the high-tech transmission through a computer hard disc,the sound waves of Chennai have travelled far into history.
Rao Bahadur C.V. Krishnaswami Chetty, an electrical engineer with the Madras Corporation , DJ and amateur radio enthusiast, organised the Madras Presidency
Radio Club (MPRC), and with help from friends ushered in broadcasting in India precisely two years after the Marconi Co. went on air in England in 1922. The Indian
Broadcasting Company was given broadcasting responsibility and Lord Irwin inaugurated the first radio station in Bombay on July 23, 1927.
In October, the MPRC folded signalling the end of amateur broadcasting. The Tx was gifted to the Corporation of Madras and after two-and-a-half-years of paper pushing, Chennai again made history by airing the first municipal radio broadcasts in the country on April 1, 1930. When it comes to broadcasting, Chennai certainly can give itself airs! The Corporation Radio and later AIR saw broadcasting as a public service. Good music for the public, talks for corporation school students and health programmes were the initial objectives. Rural sanitation, agricultural yield,bee-keeping, women's co-operatives, eradication of untouchability... AIR Chennai (AIRC) has promoted them all.
Rajaji wanted broadcasts in parks as a means to enforce prohibition. Members of `Vadya Vrinda',perhaps AIRC's oldest programme extant, are proud of their heritage. "It is an Indian blend of Hindustani and Carnatic music set to Western rchestration," say the artistes. This ensemble of fine players presents "thematic music where a composer's creativity meets a player's prowess. In concert with the Delhi group, we
have performed at the Mughal Gardens, to foreign delegates, at the Sangeet Natak Academy and played a special composition by Lalgudi Jayaraman for the Millennium Show."
"No other institution does so much to preserve and spread our culture as AIR," they insist. Its archival section is legendary. "Musicians are recognised by the grade AIR awards when they go for public performances. Performing on AIR is a matter of prestige." "For a genuine singer devoted to nurturing art, AIR affords the best forum," says Sita Rajan, who first stepped into the studio in 1958. She compered Radio Anna's (Ra. Ayyasami) Muthukuviyal, took part in G.Karthikeyan's Siruvar Kalai Poonga, M.Y Kama Sastri's recordings of children's songs and Keevalur Subramanya
Pillai's Isaipayirchi. "I always had a part in the Children's Programme AIR organised on November 14 at the Children's Theatre." Her love affair with AIR
continued in college when she lent her voice to radio plays. In 1967, she became a bona fide performer after winning a vocal contest. Grade A came in 1977, and she
has been featured on musicology programmes such as Padalum Porulum and Surabhi. "We artistes believed in AIR's sense of fair play .We had regular contracts and
were recommended for Sangeeth Sammelans. Many performers began their careers here."
The AIRC's pioneering spirit echoes in its state-of-the-art equipment. Its techno-savvy control room would have won a nod from CVK Chetty. Recordings feed directly into the hard disk and can be broadcast repeatedly on all its five channels without
trading-off quality. "We made the software for this," beams Senthur Pandian in charge of the room. "It is advanced and allows no speed variation. Even our portable system is computerised." He recalls how a motor snagged while taping a PM's public speech, and how he simply trailed the tape on the ground and got
the recording going. "No more such problems," he says. You can phone in to book your favourite film/album number on the Dial Radio-on-Demand service of AIR. A friendly voice will tell you when it will be played. If you are news hungry, press 467 1111 on your hand-held and get the latest read out to you in Tamil.
"We had 700 to 800 calls an hour for election results from all over the world," says a newscaster of this computerised service. "People in the Gulf can already listen to Chennai A on TV," says Superintendent Engineer J. Venkatraman, giving a demo of this digital sky radio link via satellite. "Your cable TV operator can download the station and beam it to you." How does AIR gauge its popularity? "Through interaction with listeners for one," says Deputy Director General, B.R. Kumar. "In May, our mail box received nearly 13,000 letters. Our FM programmes (film music/talkshow/phone-in) are a rage. There has been a 20 per cent growth in our ad revenues and AIRC exceeded the target for 2001. The total annual earning from sponsored slots has touched Rs. two crores. In the suburbs, you'll hear AIR broadcasts in every street in the afternoons. People listen to the radio commentary while watching cricket matches in the stadium.
"We know people are listening when we make a mistake. A music aficionado called in from Besant Nagar to complain that an Uthukkadu Venkatasubbaiar song was attributed to someone else even before the programme got over."
"No other station has eight daily hours of interactive programmes," says Kamalakkannan of the hugely popular Thiraimalai. Call us at 498 3830 and 498 5725 to rap with your favourite stars on our chat show."
"BBC, HBO, Sony, 10 Sports, all advertise on radio," says Srinivasa Raghavan, who heads the Vividh Bharati section. "Star Vijay and KTV did a month-long campaign
on AIR before their launch. Private channels advertise their popular programmes on AIR. Apollo Hospitals give health tips to listeners twice a week. These people
will not pay for broadcasting time unless they are sure of its reach."
"We bring you details of State Government schemes along with ads from undertakings like the Power Finance Corporation," adds Kumar.
"An advertiser can zoom in on a limited audience through our district level radio stations. Our ads are clean and without gender bias. AIR news is authentic,
balanced and devoid of shrill overtones. It is a tradition we are proud of."
But veteran listeners worry over AIRC allowing ads on all its channels, and veteran artistes mourn the diminishing opportunities to perform.
"Prasar Bharathi has slashed fund allotment by 50 per cent," says R. alasubramanyam, Deputy Director,Co-ordination. "We have to earn, grow and pay artistes better compensation. Which other medium finds a slot for Gandhi Anjali? Our sponsor time is negligible. As for the artistes we are under no obligation unless they are on the staff."
A study on FM channels (under K. K. Sundaram, Deputy Director, Audience Research Cell), done between October 2001 and January 2002, shows their increasing
popularity. But this is a film-based reality. Can AIRC go back to being a truly public service?
A panel of 20 eminent people has recommended younger programmers, cross-media publicity, information from the Internet, storytelling (folklore, sci-fi),interviews with visiting experts in all fields, reports on outdoor occurrences, inviting ordinary people to write for productions and airing stage plays among other things to mark up AIR schedules. AIRC, no doubt, is listening.
AIR Chennai Broadcast timings in Short Wave:
4920 KHz 50 kw 0015-0245 utc, 1200-1736 utc
7160 KHz 50 kw 0300-0400[Hol 0445/Sun 0530],
0710 [Hol 0610, Sat/Sun 0630]-0930 [Sun 1130]
7270 KHz 100 kw 0025-0430, 0700-1330, 1430
AIR Chennai Broadcast in Medium Wave:
720 KHz Chennai A 200 kw
783 KHz Chennai C 20 kw
1017 KHz Chennai B 20 kw
AIR Chennai Broadcast in FM:
105.0 MHz FM Gold 5 Kw
107.1 MHz FM Rainbow 10 Kw
For Contact AIR Chennai:
All India Radio,
Kamarajar Raod,
Phone: +91 44 2498 5252,
Fax: +91 44 2638 3204,
Transmitter site address:
All India Radio,
High Power Transmitter Site,
Chennai-600 062,
Tamil Nadu,
Tel/Fax: +91 44 2638 3204,
Photo Note:
East Nook — The building where the studios of AIR
Madras were originally located from June 1938 to July
1953 when AIR Madras' own studios were built in
Mylapore overlooking the sea. The East Nook no longer
exists. A multi-storeyed cement concrete structure has
come up there. — A file photo from The Hindu.
Compiled with the help of The Hindu by.
Jaisakthivel.T, Editor, Dxers Guide,
President of Ardic Dx Club,
Address for Communication:
No: 3, First Floor,
21, Nathens Arcade,
Malaviya Avenue,
L.B Road, Chennai-600041,
Tamil Nadu,
Monday, January 09, 2006
Fantastic prize from CVC Planet 30
On February 4th & 5th the Planet 30 will count down Your Top 30 most requested songs as voted by you!
Plus, whenever you send in a vote, you’ll go into the draw for a fantastic prize pack containing:-
A triple music CD set
A Video
A CD Rom
A CVC T-Shirt
A Bunch of CVC stickers
An Aussie Plush Toy
Some booklets
We will give away 5 packs in mid January and another 5 at the end of January.
Send in your vote now along with your full name and address
To enter you can:-
Write to P.O. Box 6361 Maroochy BC 4558 Queensland Australia and clearly write the word “Comp” at the top of your letter.
Send an SMS text message to +61 416 905 878 But remember, you must enter the code word “COMP” first in the message screen.
Send an email to our new competition address: comp at
You can vote as many times as you like - the more votes you send in, the greater the chance your favourite song will make it into Your Top 30 countdown on the planet 30 in early February and the greater your chances of winning a prize!
Plus, whenever you send in a vote, you’ll go into the draw for a fantastic prize pack containing:-
A triple music CD set
A Video
A CD Rom
A CVC T-Shirt
A Bunch of CVC stickers
An Aussie Plush Toy
Some booklets
We will give away 5 packs in mid January and another 5 at the end of January.
Send in your vote now along with your full name and address
To enter you can:-
Write to P.O. Box 6361 Maroochy BC 4558 Queensland Australia and clearly write the word “Comp” at the top of your letter.
Send an SMS text message to +61 416 905 878 But remember, you must enter the code word “COMP” first in the message screen.
Send an email to our new competition address: comp at
You can vote as many times as you like - the more votes you send in, the greater the chance your favourite song will make it into Your Top 30 countdown on the planet 30 in early February and the greater your chances of winning a prize!
congratulations to three Christmas Prize Pack winners from CVC
Thanks to everyone who entered the Christmas Quiz Competition during December.
We held 3 prizedraws from all the electronic entries we received (i.e. through the website, email and SMS text messages) and congratulations to our three Christmas Prize Pack winners:-
Oluoch Orwa from Kenya
Elijah Bassey from Nigeria
Zhiya Xia from China
There are still three more prize draws to be held from all the correct postal entries we receive. We'll draw them at the end of January to give our snail mail contestants plenty of time to get their answers in! So send your entries now and keep listening to see if you're a winner with CVC.
to see if your answers were correct.
We held 3 prizedraws from all the electronic entries we received (i.e. through the website, email and SMS text messages) and congratulations to our three Christmas Prize Pack winners:-
Oluoch Orwa from Kenya
Elijah Bassey from Nigeria
Zhiya Xia from China
There are still three more prize draws to be held from all the correct postal entries we receive. We'll draw them at the end of January to give our snail mail contestants plenty of time to get their answers in! So send your entries now and keep listening to see if you're a winner with CVC.
to see if your answers were correct.
Best CRI Listeners' and Monitors' of 2005
Dear Listener,
We're nearing the end of 2005. Listeners' and monitors' reception reports, comments and suggestions over the course of the year have helped bring about improvements to both our broadcast and program quality. Thanks for making 2005 such a success here at China Radio International (CRI). To show our appreciation, we've chosen some especially good listeners and sent one small gift to each of them. The list is printed below. Happy New Year from CRI, and let's work together to make 2006 our best year ever!
Good Listeners
Gifts include: a Snuff Bottle, a Waistcoat, a Fish-shaped Bag, a Cushion Cover, or a Sweat Band
Hannu.Kiiski, Finland
Jacques.Augustin, France
Zdzislaw.Gomulka, Poland
Dmitriy Kutuzov, Russia
Olli-Jukka Paloneva, Finland
Jouke Van Der Galien, The Netherlands
Brian.Stokoe, New Zealand
Ian Cattermole, New Zealand.
Andrew McKean, Australia
Lu Derming, Australia
T.Jaisakthivel, India
S.Selvam, India
Aaquib Nehal Khan, India
Md. Salahuddin Dolar, Bangladesh
Faramarz Bahramloo, Iran.
Mogire O Machuki, Kenya
Tiaweh Tyee, jr., Liberia
Oyesanmi Oyedotun, Nigeria.
George J. Poppin, USA
Franz. Schwartz, USA
Bill Watters, USA
Melvin. Williams, USA
Gordon Blom, USA
Eric Walton, Canada
Jeff Bowes, U.K.
David.Ansell, U.K.
Peggy Meadows, U.K.
David.Gray, U.K.
Ron. Haynes, U.K.
NG. Wing Yuen, U.K.
Roger Tidy, U.K.
Alastair Pamphilon, U.K.
Nick Sharpe, U.K.
Gunter.Kastner, Austria
Gerd. Wedemeyer, Germany
Günter Jacob, Germany
Good Moniotors
Gifts include: a Waistcoat and a Fish-shaped Bag
Mike Peraaho, USA
Roger R. Roussel, Canada
Brian Kendall, U.K.
Christer Brunstrom, Sweden
Azam Ali Soomro, Pakistan.
A. Balakrishnan, B.Com., India
Md. Azizul Alam Al-Amin, Banglade
Mrefe Akpotu, Nigeria
Dear CRI Thank you for selecting me as Good listener.
We're nearing the end of 2005. Listeners' and monitors' reception reports, comments and suggestions over the course of the year have helped bring about improvements to both our broadcast and program quality. Thanks for making 2005 such a success here at China Radio International (CRI). To show our appreciation, we've chosen some especially good listeners and sent one small gift to each of them. The list is printed below. Happy New Year from CRI, and let's work together to make 2006 our best year ever!
Good Listeners
Gifts include: a Snuff Bottle, a Waistcoat, a Fish-shaped Bag, a Cushion Cover, or a Sweat Band
Hannu.Kiiski, Finland
Jacques.Augustin, France
Zdzislaw.Gomulka, Poland
Dmitriy Kutuzov, Russia
Olli-Jukka Paloneva, Finland
Jouke Van Der Galien, The Netherlands
Brian.Stokoe, New Zealand
Ian Cattermole, New Zealand.
Andrew McKean, Australia
Lu Derming, Australia
T.Jaisakthivel, India
S.Selvam, India
Aaquib Nehal Khan, India
Md. Salahuddin Dolar, Bangladesh
Faramarz Bahramloo, Iran.
Mogire O Machuki, Kenya
Tiaweh Tyee, jr., Liberia
Oyesanmi Oyedotun, Nigeria.
George J. Poppin, USA
Franz. Schwartz, USA
Bill Watters, USA
Melvin. Williams, USA
Gordon Blom, USA
Eric Walton, Canada
Jeff Bowes, U.K.
David.Ansell, U.K.
Peggy Meadows, U.K.
David.Gray, U.K.
Ron. Haynes, U.K.
NG. Wing Yuen, U.K.
Roger Tidy, U.K.
Alastair Pamphilon, U.K.
Nick Sharpe, U.K.
Gunter.Kastner, Austria
Gerd. Wedemeyer, Germany
Günter Jacob, Germany
Good Moniotors
Gifts include: a Waistcoat and a Fish-shaped Bag
Mike Peraaho, USA
Roger R. Roussel, Canada
Brian Kendall, U.K.
Christer Brunstrom, Sweden
Azam Ali Soomro, Pakistan.
A. Balakrishnan, B.Com., India
Md. Azizul Alam Al-Amin, Banglade
Mrefe Akpotu, Nigeria
Dear CRI Thank you for selecting me as Good listener.
DW Radio January 2006 Current Affairs Quiz
Answer a question about the World Cup and win a short-wave radio!
Make sure you enter this month and a brand new short-wave radio could be yours!
The 2006 World Cup will be held in Germany in the summer. We want to know which country will be playing against Germany in the opening match of the competition on June 9th. Will it be:
a) Holland
b) Brazil
c) Costa Rica or
d) Ghana?
Send your answer on a postcard please, postmarked no later than January 31st 2006 to "Deutsche Welle English Service, postcode 53110 Bonn, Germany" or email us at The winner will receive a
shortwave radio and there are consolation prizes for the first five runners up. Good luck!
Previous Winners:
September 2005:
Huguette R.M. Simmonds - Trinidad & Tobago
Hector Frias - Chile
C. Balendra - Sri Lanka
Jozef Porubcansky - Slovakia
Gu Tao - China
Radio Winner:
Suhayb Sanusi - Nigeria
October 2005:
Ramchander S. Tumuluru - United Arab Emirates
Abraham K. Miller - Guinea
Mohammad Hizbullah Khan - Pakistan
Lutfi Mohamed Wedatala - Sudan
Juan Andres Fagundez - U.S.A.
Radio Winner:
Purnendu Agarwala - India
Make sure you enter this month and a brand new short-wave radio could be yours!
The 2006 World Cup will be held in Germany in the summer. We want to know which country will be playing against Germany in the opening match of the competition on June 9th. Will it be:
a) Holland
b) Brazil
c) Costa Rica or
d) Ghana?
Send your answer on a postcard please, postmarked no later than January 31st 2006 to "Deutsche Welle English Service, postcode 53110 Bonn, Germany" or email us at The winner will receive a
shortwave radio and there are consolation prizes for the first five runners up. Good luck!
Previous Winners:
September 2005:
Huguette R.M. Simmonds - Trinidad & Tobago
Hector Frias - Chile
C. Balendra - Sri Lanka
Jozef Porubcansky - Slovakia
Gu Tao - China
Radio Winner:
Suhayb Sanusi - Nigeria
October 2005:
Ramchander S. Tumuluru - United Arab Emirates
Abraham K. Miller - Guinea
Mohammad Hizbullah Khan - Pakistan
Lutfi Mohamed Wedatala - Sudan
Juan Andres Fagundez - U.S.A.
Radio Winner:
Purnendu Agarwala - India
Radio Prague competition continues
And of course, our competition continues, with a new question for January, maybe a little more challenging than the previous one.
"The sugar cube is something that everybody is familiar with but what do we know about its origin? This month we would like to know who, when and where first invented the sugar cube."
The address for your answers is as usual, Radio Prague, 12099 Prague, Czech Republic or
Thank you for all those answers and the time you took researching. But as usual, only one of you can win, I'm afraid. This time the lucky one is Gautam Kumar Sharma from India. Congratulations and your prize is in the post.
"The sugar cube is something that everybody is familiar with but what do we know about its origin? This month we would like to know who, when and where first invented the sugar cube."
The address for your answers is as usual, Radio Prague, 12099 Prague, Czech Republic or
Thank you for all those answers and the time you took researching. But as usual, only one of you can win, I'm afraid. This time the lucky one is Gautam Kumar Sharma from India. Congratulations and your prize is in the post.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Dxers Guide-280
Weekly Media Scene in India.
Published by Ardic DX Club, India.
Flowers wilt as FM, TV channels bloom this New Year
Florists here are ruing the loss of business with an increasing number of people preferring to send their greetings over the ubiquitous FM radio and TV channels, instead of ''saying it with flowers.'' ''Ten years ago, we used to do roaring business during New Year and Christmas. But with the coming of a number of FM radio and television channels, Asia's largest flower market here is doing lean business, as people prefer sending their wishes through them.'' Mr Brij Mohan Khanagwal, President, All India Cut Flower and supplier association told UNI.
-Deccan Herald 29/12
Second round for FM radio licences sees All Media
The second round of bids for FM radio licences saw the who's and who of the media and entertainment industry. The bids include Anil Ambani's Adlabs along with Subhash Chandra's Pan India Network Infravest Pvt Ltd, Malayala Manorama, Asianet Communications, HT Music and Entertainment, Bag Infotainment and Sri Adhikari Brothers Media among various other companies. The first list includes as many as 70 probables who have qualified for the financial bids, the union information and broadcasting ministry announced the list. 29/12
'Gyanwani' radio station to launch 600 educationl programmes in Bhopal, India
The Bhopal FM radio station 'Gyanwani' of IGNOU will soon launch an intensive series of 600 educational programmes related to higher secondary, graduation courses and general knowledge. The under-graduate students of BA, BCom, BSc along with the higher secondary students of science and commerce would benefited from the series of educational programmes. 28/12
Infotainment panel to look into media business
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has set up a high-powered committee on information, communication and entertainment (ICE) which will be headed by the Principal Secretary to the PM. The committee would identify new opportunities in the areas of information, communication and entertainment where the government was expected to play a pro-active role to promote Indian media and entertainment industry, Sanjaya Baru, media adviser to the PM said in a statement.
-Business Standard 29/12
Regional entertainment channels dominant in Chennai
Regional entertainment channels are dominant in Chennai with a viewership of 62 per cent, while Hindi general entertainment has the highest viewership in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, according to a report of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, TRAI.The share of cable programmes is the second largest in terms of viewership percentage in all the four metros of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata, says TRAI. 28/12
DTH: Direct from government?
The launch of INSAT 4A, India’s most powerful communication satellite. It will provide Direct-to-home (DTH) telecasts from early 2006. This is good news for all those of us who have had to suffer the cable TV operators’ mafia. DTH services cut out the middlemen completely, as satellite TV programmes are beamed directly to individual homes through a set-top box. Not only is the quality of the reception much better, since it is digitalised, the number of channels available are also much more.
-Financial Express 28/12
Maheshwari launches magazine arm..
The Navbharat Group’s Sunjeev Maheshwari has ended the year by foraying into the magazine segment. Maheshwari has launched a division called 'Maharshi Enterprises', which would be launching five magazines – the first of which is titled 'The Observer of Management Education' and was launched on December 27. Janardan Pandey has been taken as the Project Head for all the magazines.
-Exchange4media 29/12
WorldSpace adds 12,000 subscribers in first month of festive offer
Within the first month of the launch of its festive season offer of a satellite radio with a three-month subscription at just Rs 1,999, WorldSpace has added 12,000 subscribers to its kitty. The original cost of the receiver is Rs 3,790, while the yearly subscription fee is Rs 1, 800. The figures seem whopping when compared to the performance of WorldSpace during the period July to September, when it added 7,737 subscribers. “We’ve had an excellent response to the festive offer. We added over 12,000 new subscribers in October 2005 itself, the first month of our festive offer. Customers have tuned in to our service from across the country – getting an experience of our superior programming and content,” said Andy Ras-Work, Worldwide COO, WorldSpace Satellite Radio.
-Excange4media 29/12
Second round for FM radio licences sees Second list
The Information & Broadcasting has came out with the second list of FM radio operators on Friday, so as the total number of companies that have qualified for the second stage has gone up to 84.The other applicants who have qualified include, Cyberspace Entertainment Network Private Ltd, Lahari Recording Company Pvt Ltd, Music Broadcast Pvt Ltd, City Sound and Music Pvt Ltd and Singla Property Dealers Pvt Ltd. |Read more Finance news.| The financial bids would be obtained and opened in January-February. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has invited pre-qualification bids in September this year for expansion of FM radio broadcasting through private agencies. Another list of companies, which may have qualified for financial bidding, is likely within the next few days. 02/01
The winners' curse: FM radio phase II
2006 promises to be the year of the coming of age of private FM radio. Since the Phase I bidding in ’00, it has taken two governments, one committee, the TRAI and 3-and-a-half years of lobbying by the radio industry to change the rules to a more equitable revenue-share licence fee regime. But it could well be a year of failed promises, if qualified bidders walk in with their eyes closed.
-The Economic Times 03/01
Bangalore set to see FM boom
Radio fans are abuzz:With Bangalore set to have seven FM stations by end-2006 - in addition to the existing two - a boom of stirring and varied programming where the listener is the king is on cards. Keeping the experience of Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai in mind, radio watchers are predicting exciting times ahead.
-Times of India 01/01
Television gets into marketing overdrive
When the history of television in India is written, 2005 will be hailed as the YEAR OF MARKETING. The year when shouting was not enough, channel marketers had to scream to be even heard. And the high decibel noise continued through the year, in fact getting deafeningly louder as the year progressed. General entertainment channels (GECs), kids' channels, sports channels, music channels and to some extent even the news channels left no stones unturned and no TG (target group) untapped to hammer their message across. 02/01
Prasar Bharati Corporation, India's government-owned broadcasting agency, is currently reeling under accumulated losses amounting to nearly Rs60 billion (US$1.33 billiion).The sheer size of the figure has forced the government to direct the Information & Broadcasting (I&B) Ministry to make a detailed financial evaluation of the public sector broadcaster so that it could embark upon a capital-restructuring plan. 01/01
Cafe Coffee Day tunes in to WorldSpace
WorldSpace® Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: WRSP), one of the world leaders in satellite-based digital radio services, announced that it has formed an alliance with Café Coffee Day, India’s largest coffee chain to play its satellite radio content throughout the day for patrons at 100 cafes across India. 02/01
BBC picks up 17.5% stake in Radio Mid-Day
BBC, the global media major, and leading investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala are set to invest a combined Rs 42 crore in Radio Mid-Day West (India), the Mid Day group arm that runs FM channel Go 92.5. BBC will pick up 17.5 per cent stake in Radio Mid-Day West for Rs 31.85 crore, putting the valuation of the radio company at Rs 182 crore. The investment of BBC is part of the joint venture the global media company has forged with the Mid-Day group to enter the country's radio space. The investment is lower than the 20 per cent permissible limit by a foreign company in an Indian radio company.
-Business Standard 03/01
'Broadcast industry to boom in '06'
Having laid out a broad policy framework for regulation of the television industry and growth in the FM radio sector, the government has expressed optimism that the broadcast industry would make more waves in terms of growth in 2006. Our interest is that growth should not be impeded and we should not give a signal that we are overbearing," Information and Broadcasting Secretary S K Arora said. 03/01
Radio Mirchi to hit the bourse
Radio Mirchi is all set to emerge as the first Indian pure-play radio broadcasting business to list on the bourses. Entertainment Network (India) Ltd (ENIL), a Times Group company, which runs the radio broadcasting business under the pan-India brand Radio Mirchi, is all set to hit the capital market in January. ENIL has already received the regulatory nod for its maiden offer comprising of a maximum of 1.3 crore shares, to be priced using the book building route, AP Parigi, MD, ENIL, said.
-Times of India 01/01
Indian Media Group meets Dasmunsi
A group of top honchos from the Indian media and entertainment sector met Information and Broadcasting Minister P R Dasmunsi and sought the formation of a Broadcast Regulatory Authority.In an interaction with Dasmunsi, the Indian Media Group (IMG) welcomed the changes in the downlinking policy carried out recently. The IMG delegation included Subhash Chandra of Zee Telefilms, Aroon Purie of TV Today Network and Markand Adhikari of Janmat, apart from senior officials from NDTV, Zoom TV, Bhaskar and Sahara group. 03/01
Compiled by
President of Ardic Dx Club
Address for Communication:
No: 3, First Floor,
21, Nathens Arcade,
Malaviya Avenue,
L.B Road, chennai-600041,
Tamil Nadu,
Mobile: +91 98413 66086
Published by Ardic DX Club, India.
Flowers wilt as FM, TV channels bloom this New Year
Florists here are ruing the loss of business with an increasing number of people preferring to send their greetings over the ubiquitous FM radio and TV channels, instead of ''saying it with flowers.'' ''Ten years ago, we used to do roaring business during New Year and Christmas. But with the coming of a number of FM radio and television channels, Asia's largest flower market here is doing lean business, as people prefer sending their wishes through them.'' Mr Brij Mohan Khanagwal, President, All India Cut Flower and supplier association told UNI.
-Deccan Herald 29/12
Second round for FM radio licences sees All Media
The second round of bids for FM radio licences saw the who's and who of the media and entertainment industry. The bids include Anil Ambani's Adlabs along with Subhash Chandra's Pan India Network Infravest Pvt Ltd, Malayala Manorama, Asianet Communications, HT Music and Entertainment, Bag Infotainment and Sri Adhikari Brothers Media among various other companies. The first list includes as many as 70 probables who have qualified for the financial bids, the union information and broadcasting ministry announced the list. 29/12
'Gyanwani' radio station to launch 600 educationl programmes in Bhopal, India
The Bhopal FM radio station 'Gyanwani' of IGNOU will soon launch an intensive series of 600 educational programmes related to higher secondary, graduation courses and general knowledge. The under-graduate students of BA, BCom, BSc along with the higher secondary students of science and commerce would benefited from the series of educational programmes. 28/12
Infotainment panel to look into media business
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has set up a high-powered committee on information, communication and entertainment (ICE) which will be headed by the Principal Secretary to the PM. The committee would identify new opportunities in the areas of information, communication and entertainment where the government was expected to play a pro-active role to promote Indian media and entertainment industry, Sanjaya Baru, media adviser to the PM said in a statement.
-Business Standard 29/12
Regional entertainment channels dominant in Chennai
Regional entertainment channels are dominant in Chennai with a viewership of 62 per cent, while Hindi general entertainment has the highest viewership in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, according to a report of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, TRAI.The share of cable programmes is the second largest in terms of viewership percentage in all the four metros of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata, says TRAI. 28/12
DTH: Direct from government?
The launch of INSAT 4A, India’s most powerful communication satellite. It will provide Direct-to-home (DTH) telecasts from early 2006. This is good news for all those of us who have had to suffer the cable TV operators’ mafia. DTH services cut out the middlemen completely, as satellite TV programmes are beamed directly to individual homes through a set-top box. Not only is the quality of the reception much better, since it is digitalised, the number of channels available are also much more.
-Financial Express 28/12
Maheshwari launches magazine arm..
The Navbharat Group’s Sunjeev Maheshwari has ended the year by foraying into the magazine segment. Maheshwari has launched a division called 'Maharshi Enterprises', which would be launching five magazines – the first of which is titled 'The Observer of Management Education' and was launched on December 27. Janardan Pandey has been taken as the Project Head for all the magazines.
-Exchange4media 29/12
WorldSpace adds 12,000 subscribers in first month of festive offer
Within the first month of the launch of its festive season offer of a satellite radio with a three-month subscription at just Rs 1,999, WorldSpace has added 12,000 subscribers to its kitty. The original cost of the receiver is Rs 3,790, while the yearly subscription fee is Rs 1, 800. The figures seem whopping when compared to the performance of WorldSpace during the period July to September, when it added 7,737 subscribers. “We’ve had an excellent response to the festive offer. We added over 12,000 new subscribers in October 2005 itself, the first month of our festive offer. Customers have tuned in to our service from across the country – getting an experience of our superior programming and content,” said Andy Ras-Work, Worldwide COO, WorldSpace Satellite Radio.
-Excange4media 29/12
Second round for FM radio licences sees Second list
The Information & Broadcasting has came out with the second list of FM radio operators on Friday, so as the total number of companies that have qualified for the second stage has gone up to 84.The other applicants who have qualified include, Cyberspace Entertainment Network Private Ltd, Lahari Recording Company Pvt Ltd, Music Broadcast Pvt Ltd, City Sound and Music Pvt Ltd and Singla Property Dealers Pvt Ltd. |Read more Finance news.| The financial bids would be obtained and opened in January-February. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has invited pre-qualification bids in September this year for expansion of FM radio broadcasting through private agencies. Another list of companies, which may have qualified for financial bidding, is likely within the next few days. 02/01
The winners' curse: FM radio phase II
2006 promises to be the year of the coming of age of private FM radio. Since the Phase I bidding in ’00, it has taken two governments, one committee, the TRAI and 3-and-a-half years of lobbying by the radio industry to change the rules to a more equitable revenue-share licence fee regime. But it could well be a year of failed promises, if qualified bidders walk in with their eyes closed.
-The Economic Times 03/01
Bangalore set to see FM boom
Radio fans are abuzz:With Bangalore set to have seven FM stations by end-2006 - in addition to the existing two - a boom of stirring and varied programming where the listener is the king is on cards. Keeping the experience of Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai in mind, radio watchers are predicting exciting times ahead.
-Times of India 01/01
Television gets into marketing overdrive
When the history of television in India is written, 2005 will be hailed as the YEAR OF MARKETING. The year when shouting was not enough, channel marketers had to scream to be even heard. And the high decibel noise continued through the year, in fact getting deafeningly louder as the year progressed. General entertainment channels (GECs), kids' channels, sports channels, music channels and to some extent even the news channels left no stones unturned and no TG (target group) untapped to hammer their message across. 02/01
Prasar Bharati Corporation, India's government-owned broadcasting agency, is currently reeling under accumulated losses amounting to nearly Rs60 billion (US$1.33 billiion).The sheer size of the figure has forced the government to direct the Information & Broadcasting (I&B) Ministry to make a detailed financial evaluation of the public sector broadcaster so that it could embark upon a capital-restructuring plan. 01/01
Cafe Coffee Day tunes in to WorldSpace
WorldSpace® Satellite Radio (NASDAQ: WRSP), one of the world leaders in satellite-based digital radio services, announced that it has formed an alliance with Café Coffee Day, India’s largest coffee chain to play its satellite radio content throughout the day for patrons at 100 cafes across India. 02/01
BBC picks up 17.5% stake in Radio Mid-Day
BBC, the global media major, and leading investor Rakesh Jhunjhunwala are set to invest a combined Rs 42 crore in Radio Mid-Day West (India), the Mid Day group arm that runs FM channel Go 92.5. BBC will pick up 17.5 per cent stake in Radio Mid-Day West for Rs 31.85 crore, putting the valuation of the radio company at Rs 182 crore. The investment of BBC is part of the joint venture the global media company has forged with the Mid-Day group to enter the country's radio space. The investment is lower than the 20 per cent permissible limit by a foreign company in an Indian radio company.
-Business Standard 03/01
'Broadcast industry to boom in '06'
Having laid out a broad policy framework for regulation of the television industry and growth in the FM radio sector, the government has expressed optimism that the broadcast industry would make more waves in terms of growth in 2006. Our interest is that growth should not be impeded and we should not give a signal that we are overbearing," Information and Broadcasting Secretary S K Arora said. 03/01
Radio Mirchi to hit the bourse
Radio Mirchi is all set to emerge as the first Indian pure-play radio broadcasting business to list on the bourses. Entertainment Network (India) Ltd (ENIL), a Times Group company, which runs the radio broadcasting business under the pan-India brand Radio Mirchi, is all set to hit the capital market in January. ENIL has already received the regulatory nod for its maiden offer comprising of a maximum of 1.3 crore shares, to be priced using the book building route, AP Parigi, MD, ENIL, said.
-Times of India 01/01
Indian Media Group meets Dasmunsi
A group of top honchos from the Indian media and entertainment sector met Information and Broadcasting Minister P R Dasmunsi and sought the formation of a Broadcast Regulatory Authority.In an interaction with Dasmunsi, the Indian Media Group (IMG) welcomed the changes in the downlinking policy carried out recently. The IMG delegation included Subhash Chandra of Zee Telefilms, Aroon Purie of TV Today Network and Markand Adhikari of Janmat, apart from senior officials from NDTV, Zoom TV, Bhaskar and Sahara group. 03/01
Compiled by
President of Ardic Dx Club
Address for Communication:
No: 3, First Floor,
21, Nathens Arcade,
Malaviya Avenue,
L.B Road, chennai-600041,
Tamil Nadu,
Mobile: +91 98413 66086
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