If you would like.... to here the first hand world news as it is happening from a big or small station Then.. If you live in South Asia and Radio listening is your favourite hobby then you must see this page everyday.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
World Radio TV Handbook 2006

The latest edition of the World Radio TV Handbook will available on January 2006, With 688 information-packed pages and now in its 60th year, World Radio TV Handbook continues to be the guide for the serious radio listener, broadcaster and engineer. In this edition we have again devoted our resources to the all-important task of obtaining and providing the most up-to-date information on mediumwave, shortwave and FM broadcasts and broadcasters available in any publication.
by Wrth Publishing; ISBN: 0823059367Publisher: WRTH Publications Ltd (Expected Publishing Date: 1/2006) Media: Paperback List Price :Rs.1374.70 [Contact Ardic Dx Club for more details. ardicdxclub@yahoo.co.in]
by Wrth Publishing; ISBN: 0823059367Publisher: WRTH Publications Ltd (Expected Publishing Date: 1/2006) Media: Paperback List Price :Rs.1374.70 [Contact Ardic Dx Club for more details. ardicdxclub@yahoo.co.in]
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Radio Polonia Summer Competition

It’s time for our summer holiday competition on Radio Polonia Poland, the land of the hunky Polish plumber and the sexy Polish nurse. The country also has mountains, the lakes and the sea. A perfect place, in fact, for a vacation! What we want to know this month is this: You are sitting by the Polish seaside. What sea can you see? Is it: a) the North Sea b) the Baltic Sea, or c) the Caspian Sea If you know the answer then email us at english.section@radio.com.pl Get your answer in by August 31 and could be the proud owner of something that no summer vacation would be complete without - a Polish Radio Goodie Bag. Fot More details: http://www.radio.com.pl/polonia/article.asp?tId=18310
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sarvadesa Vanoli - August 2005

In this August Issue..
* Podcasting-An Introduction
- Jaisakthivel sarvadesavanoli@yahoogroups.com
* How to listen Podcasting
* How to listen Podcasting
- Jaisakthivel sarvadesavanoli@yahoogroups.com
* 50,000 song in one iPoder
* 50,000 song in one iPoder
- Vannai K Raja vannai raja k_raja123123@yahoo.co.in
* Radio Guide:
* Radio Guide:
- "Panbalai Prammakkal" (For contact: Mr.K.Mahendran, Phone: 95 4554 273 569)
* Digital Page:
* Digital Page:
- Apple iPoder reveiw www.ipoder.com
* Short Wave -An Introduction
* Short Wave -An Introduction
- Details about the Morse Code
* Radio in Newspaper
* Radio Competition details
* Radio in Newspaper
* Radio Competition details
- Voice of Germany info@dw-world.de
- Radio Havana Cuba rhc@radiohc.org
- Radio Veritas Asia tamil@rveritas-asia.org
- Radio Taiwan International prog@rti.org.tw
* DX Club News
* Dxing Q&A
* On the Short Waves
* This is 4 U..
* Free: Oli 93.8 Sticker
* DX Club News
* Dxing Q&A
* On the Short Waves
* This is 4 U..
* Free: Oli 93.8 Sticker
Early Radio in India

However, in the eight year period stretching from early 1920 until regular broadcasting was established in 1927, a dozen or more radio stations were established in several of the major cities in India. All of these stations were experimental in nature, and some were very temporary, lasting no more than a few days. The very first radio broadcast in India was made by Giandchand Motwane (GE-and-chund mot-WAH-nee) from Bombay in 1920. This low powered station was on the air for just one day under the callsign 2KC. In the following year, there was another experimental radio station on the air in Bombay and this was a co-operative venture between the "Times of India" newspaper and the Post & Telegraph office in Bombay. The P&T transmitter carried these experimental broadcasts in August 1921 and they were noted more than 100 miles away in Poona.
A third, and this time a more substantial station was established in Bombay two years later again and it was on the air with 1.5 kW on 750 kHz. under the callsign 2FV. This station left the air when the government approved station 7BY-VUB was inaugurated in 1927. The fourth experimental station in Bombay was operated by the Walter Rogers Company as 2AX. This station was inaugurated in 1925 and on September 6 of that year, Pastor Robert Hare made a historic broadcast from this station. It was the very first radio broadcast from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the territories of what was then British India. Station 2AX also left the air when 7BY-VUB was inaugurated two years later.
Over in West Bengal, the Marconi Company from England conducted several test broadcasts from different locations in Calcutta. The first concert program was heard at a distance of three miles, and subsequently a discourse from the local gulf club was heard at a distance of 72 miles. This same transmitter was made available on loan to the Calcutta Radio Club who launched their own radio station in November 1923 under the callsign 2BZ. The Marconi company made another transmitter available to the government in West Bengal who operated their station as 5AF. Both stations in Calcutta, 2BZ & 5AF, were closed when the national government established its own station 7CA-VUC in 1927. Madras, now known as Chennai, was another city in India that received a radio station in this pre-broadcasting era. This early experimental station was operated by the Madras Presidency Radio Club under the callsign 2GR.
'Broadcasting by villagers for villagers' in studios of VUM Madras, c1940. © Cleve Costello Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation This station was closed in 1927 due to financial problems and the equipment was donated to the Corporation of Madras who re-opened the station under the international callsign VUM. This station was closed in 1938 when All India Radio established its own station for coverage of Madras and the callsign VUM was transferred from the old club station to the new AIR station. We could also mention that there is a listing in an old radio directory for a station operated by the Crompton Electric Company in Madras and another station in Bangalore, both in the same year 1926, though it is not knwon as to whether these stations were ever established. Perhaps we could also mention the tiny one watt station that a postal official established at his home in Hyderabad back in the year 1933. And, it would appear that there were a few other early radio stations during this pre-broadcasting era, the details of which have been lost over the years. Maybe there were just four or five in this category, and who knows, maybe the information about some of these other stations may yet come to light.
by Adrian Peterson
Adrian Petersen is a noted radio historian and broadcaster for many years with Indianapolis based Adventist World Radio, a global shortwave, AM, FM and satellite radio network. Originally from South Australia, Adrian has worked in radio across Asia and the Pacific and is well known worldwide for his long running Wavescan radio series. He has published an extensive number of radio heritage articles using his large database of historical information, and personally maintains the AWR heritage collection, one of the world's largest privately held memorabilia collections.

Radio DW needs monitors
**GERMANY. Shortwave Listeners/DX-ers, Hello, Radio DW (Voice Of Germany) needs monitors in these countries:-
1= Iran 2= Yemen 3= Libya 4= Saudi Arabia 5= Syria 6= Afghanistan 7= Oman 8= UAE 9= Iraq10= Egypt11= Bahrain12= Qatar13= Kuwait14= Bhutan15= Thailand 16= Vietnam17= Laos18= Cambodia 19= Myanmar 20= Mongolia
Interested listeners and DXers these countries may contact with full bio-data (Name, Nationality, Postal & e-mail address are the essential parts of required information) to these e-mail addresses:Andrea.schulz @ dw-world.de abidhussainsajid @ yahoomail.com [sic](Abid Hussain Sajid, DW Official Monitor in Pakistan, Aug 20, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PakistanDxers/ dxldyg via DXLD)
1= Iran 2= Yemen 3= Libya 4= Saudi Arabia 5= Syria 6= Afghanistan 7= Oman 8= UAE 9= Iraq10= Egypt11= Bahrain12= Qatar13= Kuwait14= Bhutan15= Thailand 16= Vietnam17= Laos18= Cambodia 19= Myanmar 20= Mongolia
Interested listeners and DXers these countries may contact with full bio-data (Name, Nationality, Postal & e-mail address are the essential parts of required information) to these e-mail addresses:Andrea.schulz @ dw-world.de abidhussainsajid @ yahoomail.com [sic](Abid Hussain Sajid, DW Official Monitor in Pakistan, Aug 20, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PakistanDxers/ dxldyg via DXLD)
Monday, August 15, 2005
A CRI Quiz on Charming Changzhou

How can I listen to the quiz on radio?
From 15th to 21st, August, the contest will take place over seven days, with a report about each of the seven contest areas played each day, followed by one question related to that day¡¯s report. The contest is after News and Reports.
The English Service of China Radio International is hosting a new quiz featuring some of the particularities of the city of Changzhou, and asks you seven questions, the answers to which are contained in the article. Listeners who answer all seven questions correctly will have the chance to win prizes. The top prize is a free trip to China. The winner will enjoy a five-day tour of Beijing and Changzhou, as well as participate in activities with local people during October. Don’t hesitate to answer the questions. Your comments are important to win the prize.
Read the article and choose the right answer.
The city of Changzhou
A famous city with 2,500 years of historical and cultural heritage, Changzhou is a robust and emerging industrial center situated in the Yangtze River Delta on China's eastern coast.
Changzhou is famous for its combs – a famous traditional Chinese handicraft with the registered brand "White Elephant" since 1925. All Changzhou combs are made by hand of natural materials. They are well known for good workmanship and rigid selected materials. The combs are not only necessary for daily use they are also works of art.
A famous city with 2,500 years of historical and cultural heritage, Changzhou is a robust and emerging industrial center situated in the Yangtze River Delta on China's eastern coast.
Changzhou is famous for its combs – a famous traditional Chinese handicraft with the registered brand "White Elephant" since 1925. All Changzhou combs are made by hand of natural materials. They are well known for good workmanship and rigid selected materials. The combs are not only necessary for daily use they are also works of art.
Another famous cultural heritage is paper-cuts. The famous Zhou family paper-cuts in Changzhou are given the name because nearly all the works were collectively created by six members of the Zhou family. The Zhous are skillful in using carving tools, and have developed superb carving techniques including striking 3-D effects. The family refuses to sell duplicated paper-cuts in order to ensure the continued rarity and value of their paper-cuts. There are now less than 20 pieces in each province, or autonomous region. The scarcity ensures they are highly valued.
Besides this rich cultural heritage, Changzhou also contains a famous man-made canal. The Grand Canal was built in the Ming dynasty and is the longest and the earliest excavated canal in the world. Now its capability for transportation has increased a lot and has become the main channel for transporting coal from north to south. Many enterprises in Changzhou depend on water-borne transport. For example, 70 percent of the materials for steel produced by Zhongtian Steel Group Co. Ltd. are transported by ship. And Xinya Chemical Company loads and unloads one kiloton of chemical fertilizer per day at the canal quay.
Despite its developed economy, Changzhou has successfully preserved its clean environment. The beautiful waters of Tian Mu Lake make it a favorable place to visit. Tian Mu Lake is made up of two huge reservoirs called Sand River and Big Stream, which look like the pure, innocent and bright eyes of a beautiful girl. That’s how it got its name, Tian Mu, which means the eyes of heaven. Having weak alkalinity, the pH of the water in Tian Mu Lake always is stable at around 7.5. Experts say this level is the healthiest water. So when you come to Tian Mu Lake in Changzhou, China, don’t forget to have a sip of the water.
Changzhou has not only natural sceneries but also man-made high-tech attractions. The Dinosaur Park is one of them. Themed around the“Eastern Jurassic Period”,the Dinosaur Park combines exhibitions of popular science with amusement attractions and team games. The Chinese Dinosaur Park applies high-tech sound and light instruments combined with video cartoons, internet games, and other attractions. The whole exhibition also promotes the message of environmental protection.
That’s all for the highlights of Changzhou. But seeing is believing so I hope all of you may have the fortune to visit beautiful Changzhou, beautiful Beijing and beautiful China.
1. What is the brand name of famous Changzhou combs? *
A. Changzhou
B. White Elephant
2. What family is famous for their paper-cuts in Changzhou? *
A. Chang family
B. Zhou family
3. Does the Zhou family sell duplicated editions of their paper-cuts? *
A. Yes
B. No
4. What is name of the famous canal in Changzhou? *
A.Changzhou Canal
B. The Grand Canal
5. How many reservoirs is Tian Mu Lake made of? *
A. Three
B. Two
6. Can people directly drink the water in Tian Mu Lake? *
A. Yes
B. No
7. What do people call the Chinese Dinosaur Park? *
A. Eastern Jurassic Period
B. Jurassic Period
For more details..
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
RFI like to hear your opinions

Dear listeners and RFI website users, RFI would like to hear your opinions in order to improve its programmes and website. you are therefore invited to register, then record your opinions online. Listener's service RFI Click here to start the questionnaire
If the link is not active, please copy this adress in the navigator :
சீன வானொலி நேயர் மன்ற வரலாற்றில் மற்றொரு மைல்கல்
சீன வானொலி மன்றம் - இதழ்
சீன வானொலி நேயர் மன்ற வரலாற்றில் மற்றொரு மைல்கல்லாக, 'சீன வானொலி மன்றம்' என்ற காலாண்டிதழ் ஆகஸ்ட் திங்கள் முதலாம் நாள் வெளியிடப்பட்டது. இவ்விதழில் சீனா, சீன வானொலி தமிழ்ப்பிரிவு, பல்வேறு நேயர் மன்ற செயல்பாடுகள் பற்றிய விவரங்கள் வெளியிடப்படும். அதுமட்டுமன்றி, இந்திய-சீன நட்புறவுவளர்ச்சிக்கான கருத்துக்களும் இடம்பெறும். இதில் முக்கியமான அம்சம் என்னவெனில், இந்த இதழ் சீன வானொலி தமிழ்ப்பிரிவு நேயர்களுக்கும், மன்றப் பொறுப்பாளர்களுக்கும் இலவசமாக அனுப்பி வைக்கப்படும். சில நேயர்களின் பொருளாதார உதவியுடன் துவக்கப்பட்டுள்ள இவ்விதழ் காலப்போக்கில் வளர்ச்சியடைந்து திங்களிதழாக வெளியிடப்படும்.
For More Details:
சீன வானொலி மன்றம், அஞ்சல் பெட்டி எண் 150. GPO, பாண்டிச்சேரி - 605 001. இந்தியா. Post Box No. 150, GPO, Pondicherry - 605 001. INDIA. E-Mail:chinaradioclub@hotmail.com
சீன வானொலி தமிழ் ஒலிபரப்பு பற்றி தின மலர்

வணக்கம் நேயர்களே!.
சீன வானொலி தமிழ் ஒலிபரப்பு பற்றி இன்றைய (05.08.2005) செய்தித்தாளில் வெளிவந்துள்ளதை நீங்கள் நேரடியாக அந்தெந்த பத்திரிக்கை தளத்திற்கே சென்று பார்வையிட்டால் நன்றாக இருக்கும் என்ற எண்ணத்தில் அதற்கு உண்டான இணைப்பு தரப்பட்டுள்ளது. இரண்டு பத்திரிக்கையிலும் ஒரே மாதிரியான செய்தி உள்ளது.
தின மலர் இணைப்பு http://dinamalar.com/2005aug05/imp31.asp
திண மணி இணைப்பு : இல்லை
Source: சீன வானொலி மன்றம் http://www.spaces.msn.com/members/cri9/
Monday, August 08, 2005
Radio Quizes for August 2005
Radio Taiwan International
Groove Zone Fourth Anniversary Competition
Try your hand at writing lyrics for this piece of music, and win one of several great prizes! Write a song that can be sung, rapped, or spoken to the beat of this music:
Listen Here
And the topic? The fourth anniversary of Groove Zone, of course!
Don't worry if your lyrics don't match perfectly, its the creativity and the thought that counts.
Send your entries by email androo@rti.org.tw or by post to Radio Taiwan InternationalPO Box 24-38, Taipei Taiwan ROC. All entries must be received by August 1st, and winning entries will bread in the August 6th edition of Groove Zone! So get your entries to us today!
Radio Taiwan International August Topic:
Tell us great ways to COOL OFF this summer on Global Exchange!
Tell us creative and effective ways to cool off this summer!
Send entries to natalie@rti.org.tw or to PO Box 24-38/ Taipei, Taiwan.
Deutsche Welle August Current Affairs Quiz
Our quiz this month focuses on politics. Germans will soon be going to the polls to elect a new government. We want to know how long the present Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, has been in office.
a) four years
b) seven years or
c) ten years?
Send your answer on a postcard, please, postmarked no later than August 31, 2005, to Deutsche Welle, English Service, postcode 53110 Bonn, Germany. Or email us at newslink@dw-world.de There's a shortwave radio for the winner and consolation prizes for the first five runners up. Good luck!
Previous Winners April:
Runners-up:Abesary Kidane - EritreaAlan Morrison - New ZealandAnthony Pinwell - South AfricaK.V.W. Dissanayaka - Sri LankaKay Staniec - Canada
Winner: Sukru Demir – Turkey
Groove Zone Fourth Anniversary Competition
Try your hand at writing lyrics for this piece of music, and win one of several great prizes! Write a song that can be sung, rapped, or spoken to the beat of this music:
Listen Here
And the topic? The fourth anniversary of Groove Zone, of course!
Don't worry if your lyrics don't match perfectly, its the creativity and the thought that counts.
Send your entries by email androo@rti.org.tw or by post to Radio Taiwan InternationalPO Box 24-38, Taipei Taiwan ROC. All entries must be received by August 1st, and winning entries will bread in the August 6th edition of Groove Zone! So get your entries to us today!
Radio Taiwan International August Topic:
Tell us great ways to COOL OFF this summer on Global Exchange!
Tell us creative and effective ways to cool off this summer!
Send entries to natalie@rti.org.tw or to PO Box 24-38/ Taipei, Taiwan.
Deutsche Welle August Current Affairs Quiz
Our quiz this month focuses on politics. Germans will soon be going to the polls to elect a new government. We want to know how long the present Chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, has been in office.
a) four years
b) seven years or
c) ten years?
Send your answer on a postcard, please, postmarked no later than August 31, 2005, to Deutsche Welle, English Service, postcode 53110 Bonn, Germany. Or email us at newslink@dw-world.de There's a shortwave radio for the winner and consolation prizes for the first five runners up. Good luck!
Previous Winners April:
Runners-up:Abesary Kidane - EritreaAlan Morrison - New ZealandAnthony Pinwell - South AfricaK.V.W. Dissanayaka - Sri LankaKay Staniec - Canada
Winner: Sukru Demir – Turkey
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Radio Havana Cuba - CONTEST 2005

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the first Cuban-Soviet Space Flight, Radio Havana Cuba invites you to participate in a philatelic contest whose question is as follows:
Every participant will be awarded Cuban stamps. Besides, there will be 30 special prizes consisting in Cuban stamps dedicated to the Space. Contest deadline is December 31st, 2005.
For More Details
Radio Havana Cuba
PO Box 6240,
CUBA 10600
phone: 53-7-814243
phone res: 53-7-301794
ANNA FM 90.4 MHz

ANNA FM is on 7 days a week between the hours of 5.30PM-9.30PM (live programs) and 6AM-10AM (repeat telecast). As a community Station, ANNA FM strives to provide points of view expressed in the mainstream media.
As a non-commercial station, ANNA FM takes pride in being an alternative to mainstream media and offers the public a forum for expressing points of view that otherwise may not be heard. A small staff, several volunteers from the Department of Media Science, department coordinators and over 50 general volunteers drawn from the campus of Anna University and community at large run the station. ANNA FM welcomes new volunteers, especially those who are interested in non-commercial media, to participate in the station as a programmer, department assistant, interviewer, or a reviewer. ANNA FM has variety of programmes supporting the involvement of students service announcements, event announcements and socially relevant stories for on-air broadcast. Send them by e-mail, campus mail, by hand, regular mail or fax to the Programming Department. The station is developing a closer connection with the campus and community and continues to work on improving and strengthening its programming. To get involved, drop by for our orientation session.
Arts and EntertainmentThe arts and Entertainment area of Anna FM volunteers Write reviews and product interviews related to traditional and modern music, theatre, dance and visual arts performances and events.
MusicWithout starting the obvious, volunteers in the music area oversee Anna Fm's music programming and maintain its music library. They acquire a wide selection of recorded material and also maintain these records. They involve in intensive listening, categorizing, labeling and filling of music records and materials related to music.
ProductionProduction volunteers produce public service announcements (PSA).They also help and train other volunteers to use the production studio and routinely maintain station equipment.
Public Affairs Volunteers in the public affairs arena produce Anna FM's public affairs programmes The shows are designed to generate Ideas and share resources among the Community.
Public RelationsVolunteers in this sphere work to promote Anna FM, both on and of campus, through things like concert and outdoors broadcasting events, Promotional materials such as T-Shirts, Stickers and Broachers,& Via Press release to Different media contacts. They will also help Anna FM's Programmers to promote the radio Shows.
Training Anna FM Volunteers to train new volunteers in and out of programming. This is done live and on-air in DJvoice camp-a programme and an experience. They schedule new volunteer in rotating DJvoice camp post positions and provide intensive on-air training. Anna FM has started off a unique programme of training fisherman as Radio Jockeys.
VolunteerThree words-recruit, recruit, and recruit! Anna FM recruits individuals from the campus and community to volunteer with the station. The department's volunteers also provide station tours and orientations to the new volunteers. The first step is to attend a station orientation. You'll get a station tour and learn all about the entity that is ANNA FM. Watch out for the station orientations on our website The next step is to go through on-air training. Ask at the station about hoe to get the mail list on-air training dates. Note: You will not be granted an on-air training session untill you have completed the station orientation.ANNA FM strives to provide radio programs that are innovative & reflective of the diverse voices of our campus & surrounding community. We provide music & information that is not covered by mainstream media. We strive to achieve perfection by involving the community for preparing the programs, which are targeted to serve the very same community.
Nila FM, the community radio run by students

Nila FM, the community radio run by students of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College has hooked listeners. This `moon' shines daily from dawn to dusk. Radiating music and information over a 15 km radius, Nila (meaning moon) FM, the community radio station run by the students of the Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College in Madagadipet near Pondicherry, has succeeded in capturing the ears of its listeners.
Though still on its test run, Nila FM 90.4MHz has already started producing programmes suitable for people living in the 34 surrounding villages, who constitute its listeners. The channel broadcasts programmes from morning to evening, during college hours and a little beyond that.
The first of its kind in Pondicherry Nila FM is expected to be launched officially by the end of this month. "This is a community radio, which has to be used for the benefit of the people in the nearby areas. Since most of them are involved in agricultural activities, we have a tie up with the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, which provides agri-based information to be broadcast for the benefit of the farmers," says Dhanasegaran, Managing Director of the college.
But there are programmes also for the youth, children, housewives and office-goers. The radio station gives information on the history of Pondicherry, local temples, education, health, traffic rules, environment, national events and personalities. Besides, doctors are invited to talk about various diseases and their treatments.
"In between songs, we give information snippets such as safe driving, the dangers of smoking, health tips and news headlines that would interest them," says Kesavan, the college chairman.
Community radio
According to VSK Venkatachalapathy, the Principal of the college, "Since it is a community radio that has been granted license by the Ministry of Welfare, we cannot make any commercial programmes and cannot broadcast daily news. The investment in the project is nearly Rs. 30 lakh but since it is beneficial for the students as well as the public, we are happy to be involved in it."
The students are excited about working in a radio station. Around 100 of them, who are with the NSS are involved in creating programme content. L. Sankari of Nettapakkam, who is doing her second year Information and Technology says that the people in her neighbourhood are hooked to Nila FM. "Actually they are asking for more transmission hours." Students from other colleges and schools are also encouraged to send in their contributions such as poetry, small jokes and essays on various topics. Students whose poetry or write ups are considered exceptional are invited to the studio and read it out to the listeners. The college has a tie up with Anna University, which makes programmes for its own community radio. The two stations exchange programmes. Nila's station manager, Sridhar who looks after the technical maintenance of the equipment and also doubles as the disc jockey, has been trained at the Anna University radio station.
The FM station is presently heard till the Thengaithittu petrol bunk and even in the neighbouring Villupuram district. But if the Ministry gives clearance, the transmission can be extended to more areas.
For details
Nila FM,
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College
Pondicherry -
+91 - 0413 - 2641136
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